The mood issues this past month have been hell. Plus, I had another couple of nausea days - apparently this is a new PMS symptom for me, joy. The month was SO FREAKY, than when my period was one day late, I did a pregnancy test.
Not pregnant. Just The Change in action, I guess. Thank you, body. D:
In gaming news...
Husband bowed to the reality of my Destiny obsession and has handed off a second character to me. Last week, I maxed out my Warlock (whoo hoo! Maxed! Ready for the next raid!) and this week, I started taking the Titan out. I leveled her up from 28 to 29, yay! I need to get an upgrade on one of her exotics, which depends on what Xur wants to bring to the tower on Fridays. Last Friday, no joy. However, the Iron Banner is back, so I am HOT to get the Titan Iron Regalia. It is the prettiest armor in the game thus far, and it is raid quality without requiring raid materials, and it would allow me to level the Titan up to be ready for the Queen's raid, as well. For that matter, it would allow me to level the Titan up to be ready for the Crota raid. Whatever.
The point is, the Titan is now level 29 and I stepped into the Iron Banner with her this morning and it was AWFUL! First, I don't really know how to play the character yet. When I play the Warlock, I know ALL THE TRICKS. Second, I was playing a level 31 Warlock. As a level 29, people were one-shotting me right and left this morning. I AM NOT PLEASED. It is going to be a painful, humbling experience playing to level 4 of this freakin' tournament.
On top of that, I'm going to come up cash poor at the end again, same as I did when I was trying to get my scout rifle and shader. This time, I need to pick up the class armor for the Titan, because the Titan has never made it far enough in an Iron Banner to get the class armor. Which means that yes, I have to reach level 4 without the class armor multiplier that I had from the beginning with the Warlock last time.
Finally, I am sad, because I would love an Iron Regalia chest piece for the Warlock, but I'm already going to be cash poor on this one, and there is no way I have time to play TWO characters up to level 4 in a week. I'll have to push hard to get the Titan there. I'm trying to see that as a glass half full situation, because if I wait a couple of tournaments on the Warlock, the Iron Regalia armor will be leveled up on par with the next raid's levels - 34 or 36 or whatever, so... There's that.
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