Dec 10, 2004 15:30
Whoo! So yesterday was freaking awesome...! Courtney and I went paddling (cause there were no waves) and the water so freakin cold! OMG you have no idea...anyways, we were paddling and we were way way WAY out there. And i go "DOLPHINS!" So courtney like the crazy kid that she is goes "lets follow them" Well we did and we didn't get very far cause we lost them. But then we found them again and no lie we were 10 ft from them. And we just sat there on our boards and watched them feed. It was the COOLEST thing in the world. Oh man it was awesome.
Today was cool as well. Really uneventful i guess, but not all that bad. I started to look at someone in a different way today, which was cool. He's so cute. :) Yeah tonight tho i have to sell tickets or something like that tonight for some middle school dance @ the high school. Oh joy..i just can't wait. Hopefully me and leah and whoever else will get to catch a movie!
I guess i'm done speaking my piece for now...15 DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS (and leah's bday!)!! later dudes!