[Fic] On & Off 3/3 END Epilogue

Feb 25, 2014 21:36

Part 1
Part 2


“Mr. Big Nose hurry up or we won’t be able to catch the train” he said while stuffing all this things in his bags

“Hai hai, I am coming, let me just get the printed note that I did” said his friend who has been with him since a long long way back

“Forget about that, I need to be home” he said practically dragging his big nosed friend behind him

“Who would have thought that the great Akanishi Jin will be running toward his home after another successful broadcast and on a Friday night at that” teased his friend Maru, moving ever so slowly just to annoy his friend more

“Don’t you dare start now, you’ve heard the last caller that we had right” Jin said while laughing

“I heard and though I want to scream with cheesiness I did not dare do it for I still want to be your friend and get those free food once in a while” Maru said while laughing as well for he was the recipient of the many food samples of his friend’s partners’ cooking

“So you better hurry up or else that will be the last apple pie that you will taste” Jin jokingly threaten his friend as the last caller was no other than Sleeping Beauty telling him that if someone failed to arrive in the house at exactly an hour will probably get erased from the memory and will no longer hear those soft begging words that he so loved to hear which puts Jin in a hyper speed drive in need to get home as soon as possible as for a year now it had been a part of their daily routine for Kazu to call at the station during the last hour or less of Jin’s broadcast

In a few more hours it will be exactly a year since they have met each other and looking back he was actually thankful to his nagging friend who is happily snoring next to him on this train ride taking them home. For if it’s not for the constant nagging of his friend, he won’t be compelled to kneel beside that sleeping guy and to take him at his home, and helping him find his true identity and he in reverse finding his way in life and in love, though he will never in his life voice that gratefulness to his friend as he has a big nose already so he’s saving him from having a bigger head. He is happy that Maru has finally found his very own special someone to go home to and not just his mother, though he still adores his mother, his friend already asked him to be the best man on his wedding though he haven’t met the fortunate soul that will marry his friend but from the stories that he got he knew that Maru is deeply in love with this gangsta-yakusa type person on which Jin thought sounded more like a guy than a girl to him, but oh well, if his friend is happy and in love then he will support him all the way.

Ojisan is happily away on a conference again, but Jin and Kazu believes that he had probably met a woman on his latest trip though they wanted to know who but they will wait till he returns back as he promised that he has a surprise for the two of them, and they are thinking he will probably bring along the woman who captured his heart.

Kazu’s condition as per his doctors were said to be in a good condition, he was able to remember his past and can now openly talk about this stepdad, Jin remembered that time he was sitting on his now comfortable sofa no longer the red impractical leather sofa that he got, a few months ago he asked his mother to buy one for him and asked Kazu to accompany his mother to do that. His goal was to introduce Kazu to his mother and he was testing the waters if his mother will agree or opposed to his relationship with Kazu then he will cross the bridge when he get there so to say, but he was so surprised that his mother was immediately taken with Kazu and they were actually getting along pretty well. His father was no different with his mother, but he was at first adamant and wary from Kazu knowing that his son will not be able to produce him any blood heir but being a cool dad that he is, he fully supported his son as he agrees with his wife that ever since Kazu came into Jin’s life his son became more mature and responsible, no longer the playboy and easy go lucky guy that never drop by at their house to visit them plus he loves the food that Kazu cooked for them, Jin secretly thinks that it was the food that won him over. Going back to that moment when Kazu opened up to him about his memories, about the sexual assaults that he got from his stepdad it was too painful for Jin to hear but he knew that part of Kazu’s healing is for him to openly talk and admit that he was violated so as much as it pained him to hear it he knew that Kazu’s pain was double tripled on that. He was lounging at his sofa when Kazu sat next to him, he needed to hold his love, every chance that he can get he wanted to have physical contact with him, he felt at peace and contented just holding on to him back hugging Kazu and having his sweet scent lingers on him. It took Kazu a good full three hours just to finish re-telling all those painful memories, on how at nights when his mother was not there his stepdad will come into his room and do all those nasty things to him, and though Kazu said that he wanted to tell his mother but he felt ashamed and do not know what to do or who to tell and on that day of the accident, he told Jin that his mother walked in on him and his stepdad on his room while his stepdad was jerking himself and fondling Kazu’s genitals.

Jin felt the tears fell from Kazu’s cheeks down to his arms and he tightened his hold on to the younger guy.

“I’m not pure anymore” Kazu whispered and it was just a faint sound that if Jin was not paying attention he would have missed it

“Nonsense!” Jin said vehemently

“Your stepdad may have done bad things to your body, but that doesn’t mean that it had corrupted you and your heart, I don’t want to ever hear you say anything like that again Kazu, to me you are pure and your heart radiates goodness” Jin said and turning the younger guy around so he can look him in the eyes

“Nothing in you is flawed, you are perfect to me, got that?” Jin said tilting the younger guys face with his two hands cupping his cheeks

“I am so happy with you Jin, thank you for loving me” Kazu said and fresh tears fell on his cheeks

“I am even happier because of you and your love” Jin said kissing away the tears of his beloved

“I love you Akanishi Jin, and I will always love you even with my on and off brain, I will always find love for you” Kazu declared

“And I will love you Kamenashi Kazuya, with our past, present and future, always remember that” Jin vowed and sealing his promise from his heart with his warm mouth


Woooottt!!! <3
Thank you everyone, please do leave this flaily person your love, i miss everyone *blushes* does anybody misses me hahaha
Anyhoo, there's one more fic that i am cooking and this one is really something so please look forward to it ^^


[fic] on & off 3/3 epilogue, [a] writer: muchie05, [ai] akame

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