Baton and Other things~

Feb 23, 2009 20:40

Today was the filming of Dechan and Paula's Greek project. When we have it finished, you will see. :'3 [And it is hilarious.]
There is even footage of the rare, illusive..Hinabird!

Now for something I stole from Shattered Tranquility~

❝ ① Visual Band Baton - 2009 ❞

o1. If you were stranded on a deserted island, which member of a band would you like to have with you?
As far as entertaining me wise... Gonna go with Naoran [Kagrra,].
Because for some reason, that's the only person on my mind. Wtf.

o2. If you had the chance to see a band live that you don’t even know or one you hated, which one would you pick?
That I don't know [that well]: Viored.

o3. Would you ever buy a CD used just to complete your collection? (this includes off of auction sites as well)
Eum, possibly. Depends.

o4. If you were filming a movie, similar to a movie you really like, who would cast as the main role(s)? -state the movie and characters.
*Snickers* Several things. Though I'm not done reading Angels+Demons [and the movie isn't out yet]. I'd love to see [for some reason this is how my mind works]
Langdon: Isshi. Cos I'm trying so hard to think of an actual person who I see as being smart enough to figure out all that stuff. At the same time, I doubt Isshi would deal with it anyways. This is just funny to see happening.
Vittoria: Uh. Some random chick.. X'D
Kohler: Kisaki. [el oh el. I don't know..He seems like he would control /everything].
Hassssin: Közi [ROFL. I KNOW, RIGHT?]
Janus: Gackt

o5. As your dying wish, you can only choose to see ONE band live. Which band would you choose?
MALICE MIZER. hands down, no regrets, nothing. I would die happy if I saw those four just walking down the street or something. Hell, if I saw Klaha and Yu~ki sitting in some random cafe, I could die after. Yeah, call me crazy or what have you. I don't care.

o6. Are there any bands you ever didn’t like, but somehow found yourself liking them? If so, please state.
MALICE MIZER. [Blame Gackt..and sort of tetsu. ^^;]

o7. Although Visual Kei stand for Visual Style, do you ever like or judge bands solely on their looks? Be honest!
Sometimes? I said one band could sound really good..despite their look. They ended up sounding horrid [imo].

o8. If you could start up your own visual band, what position would you take and who else from the visual scene would you include in your band? They can be from any band, active or disbanded. You choose! The number of members and positions, it’s all up to you. And give yourself a band name too if you want.
My secret desire would be to sing. ^^' But because I am shy [and suck at singing].Uh.. Teach me bass, please. Er, Three other people. I have no idea. X'D *skips*

o9. Alright now, which band is your guilty-pleasure? One you fear people would question you for liking?
I don't really have one...?

o1o. Aren’t you tired of all these bands suddenly disbanding? Which band has been the biggest disappointment to you?

o11. If you could film a PV for any song of any one band (whether they be disbanded or if the song is an older one of theirs), which band and song would you choose?
Uh. Közi's the eyes. XDDD Or just anything from Közi needs a PV.

o12. If you could be a support member for any band, which would you choose?

o13. Which jrocker would you be convinced was living a second/double life that no one would know about?
srsly? YOSHIKI. Just seems like it, huh?

o14. Is there a specific area in Japan where you think has the greatest bands? (i.e. Nagoya, Fukuoka, Osaka, Tokyo, etc.)

o15. If you could choose any 2 bands to do a collaboration for a song/single, which 2 bands would you choose?
Uh. And don't shoot me for any of these. I'm going out on a limb, here.
And my mind put BUCK-TICK with Plastic Tree. Don't ask. I have has a very strange day.

From’s Monthly Meme! February 2009.

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