ready for love

Jan 01, 2006 02:07

i was asleep at midnight tonight. i fell asleep watching a movie with my sister, and i missed the whole "new year" thing. I wish i would have been awake for it, but oh well.
Really, when i look back on 2005, i feel like I didn't do too much. There's much i'd like to do before 2006 is over. This year i want to live more in the moment than before. I'm not a huge risk taker, and i think i miss out on life sometimes because i analyze what might happen too much. I know i sound crazy when i say i want to be less cautious, but i think i accept that it's crazy. Life is here, and life is now. Life won't wait for me to think it over and get back with an answer, i'll just miss it. I'd really like to be able to say i lived when i'm done. I'd like to be able to live this moment for all it is, for every ounce I can squeeze out of it. Bask in the wonder of the day, no matter how routine and simple it is. I'd like to love life simply because it's life. Not because I think it's spectacular and out of the ordinary. i LOVE the ordinary. i love routine. My life doesn't need to be beyond normal to be amazing. Normal is Amazing to me. I used to be me, and somehow i've slipped into being this person who thinks that my life hasn't begun yet. I don't know how i got to that point, but my life is now and i'm letting it pass me by. I'd like to change that.

I am ready for love
Why are you hiding from me
I'd quickly give my freedom
To be held in your captivity
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