(no subject)

Oct 24, 2008 15:28

we lose either way... obama or mccain.

but obama supports killing babies, and if a baby survives an abortion somehow... he apparently is saying its best to leave the baby to die on the counter after and let it starve or suffocate to death....   is that the kind of leader we want for our country?  i'd kind of like someone to not okay murder ... cause no matter what, killing an innocent human is killing an innocent human. 
not to mention that from what i've heard from people who are politically active, he is all talk.  of good things with no back-up....   for.. "HOPE!"  .. well duh........   but you're looking in the wrong place for hope.
  i mean.. yeah some might say there are more important issues to take care of than abortion.... but... shouldnt it start at life? dwindle life and oppertunity in your own country, you dwindle hope for our troops in other countries.... or hope for life later.... maybe abortion is just an aspect of what needs to be dealt with... but we have to deal with everything... all of it.....    and the more we push God away the worse this country will get.... think about it.

..........no really think about it.........

should we even have a freaking democracy anymore?
people these days are far too stupid and self-absorbed to be voting on a president....  and when we cant agree, we lash out and get nasty.

i saw a terrible video on you-tube yesterday of mccain-voters somewhere gathering shouting Obama Bin-Laden and "Go back to where you came from" and worse things than either of those......  WHAT????WHO ARE WE????? how can we take pride in being such terrible people to not even have an ounce of respect!?!  we're so corrupted. and it gets worse and worse every generation.    
     even seeing young men swearing and saying terrible things in front of little kids with no reguard....  people parade themselves around with skimpy clothes and cigerettes and drugs and alcohol .... people in school would rather party every night than do their homework.... and make their parents pay thousands of dollars for it....

and i feel so helpless.... i want to show people it doesnt have to be that way..............


i'm not going to vote for either of them.
i'll write "God" on my ballad.  Someone needs to let Him back in.
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