Oct 19, 2005 12:31
i forgot to share my trip to livingston!
me and sherri took an adventure to livingston mall. so it started fine. parkway to Rt. 80 to exit 48, make a left on this street. then things got a little crazy. we were supposed to find 46 and then this road and it was no where to be found. so we drove alot of 86. then we finally found a way to get on 280 which is where we were supposed to be. it was down this dark, scary road and i wanted to get off it so bad but I stayed on and eventually found 280. But it wasn't really 280. So we drove around and ended up at Rt. 10. WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT?! We were going the wrong way on 10 and were in the wrong towns that were way PAST livingston. eventually as we were looking for a town sign, once we were finally goin the right way on 10, and we stumble upon a sign that says "welcome to livingston". WTFFF!! so now that we were in the right town we were on a quest for eisenhower parkway. after finding it, and getting on it in the wrong direction, AGAIN, we finally found the mall! yay!
it was about 9ish when we got there and we found chris . i finally succeeded in suprising him! yay! so we hung with him for a while and then drove home. yay.
hahah. fun times. ohhhh getting lost in jersey.