"Tolerate" is an uncomfortable word in this statement.
Life is short, the ending is often unpredicted, and even before death we can be incapacitated by so very many factors. But maintaining balance and harmony is *all about* finding acceptance and compassion... and where acceptance fails us, tolerance is a reasonable substitute for keeping the peace, assuming the thing being tolerated is not causing harm to self or others.
But in the spirit of the question, let's try this:
Life is too short to tolerate:
abusiveness in self or from others
unkindness in self or from others
bad desserts
other people's definitions of your values or limitations (the social contract of communal laws notwithstanding, perhaps, but even those can and should be challenged if found to be intolerable by the many)
other people's unrealistic expectations of your self-worth
being punished by other people for failing to meet or exceed their (often unspoken) expectations of your worth
cheap beer
ugly footwear
the unnecessary suffering of others
a lack of joy
a lack of passion
a lack of dreams, or an absence of freedom to follow them
I'm sure there will be more if I think about it, but that's a reasonable start off the top of my head.