Apr 24, 2006 10:57
Let's break down the coming week in terms of hours, shall we?
Independent Study: Deadline Friday. Approximately 22 hours of work left, counting the exhibition and tear down on Friday.
Web design: Tutorials due Tuesday. Appriximately 15 hours of work, if I skim a lot. Quiz Tuesday. No studying necessary. Beta due Thursday. Approximately 25 hours of work, barring unforeseen complications.
Photojournalism: Photo essay due Wednesday. Approximately 3 hours of work left. Scout assignment due Wednesday. Not doing it. Possible exam Wednesday, to be confirmed once I locate my notes from that class.
And, as a bonus:
Portfolio: Beta on everything due a week from Wednesday. Approximately 40 hours of work, barring unforeseen complications. Some overlap with Web Design.
So, not counting portfolio, I'm looking at about 65 hours of classwork between now and the end of the day Friday. Note that I work 20 hours a week, and I am in class 7 hours a week. There are about 105 hours between now and close of business Friday. I'm committed for like 92 of those hours...so that would be, what, 13 hours total for sleep, showering, and eating over the next four days?
Remind me why I'm going to miss college when it's over?