There's still a bottle of Tom Collins in my purse...

Oct 03, 2005 21:44

I suppose I should start by saying this: my friends are better than yours. Period. I don't care how cool your friends are, or if you share a couple of mine, my friends are just plain better than yours.

My birthday was Friday, and I have to tell you, it was the best birthday weekend I've had in...well, probably since I was a small child (yes Mikey, I'm still a small child...har har...that's right, I heard you thinking it). So, to recap, I believe some thank yous are in order:

To Kristin, Michael, Meg, Elo, Tyler, and Mike (and anyone else involved in the planning process, however small their role): The party was wonderful. There was alcohol. Good, non-icky-beer alcohol. There were friends I hadn't hung out with in ages, as well as ones I see everyday and never have the time to hang out with. There was blatant racism all over one wall. There were streamers. The front of the house said "fuck yeah." I couldn't have asked for anything more than that, and I had a blast (what I can remember of it...there are details that are awfully fuzzy).

To Chris: I'm glad you made the drive. It was fun having you around, and I'm not the only one who thought so. Also, thanks for saving my computer. I think we all know that death-by-snickers is not a pleasant way to kill oneself, though it would make for a fabulous obituary.

To Meg: Thanks for buying dinner. I love dinner. I'm glad the LSAT went well, and at some point we'll have to make up for lost partying time.

To Boomer, T-Bone, and the Nudge: The ass-slapping was hilarious. Hi-fucking-larious. Way to take one for the team...and by the team, I mostly mean just me.

To my birthday cake: Sorry I didn't eat you, but the computer was dying and I was sad. I'm sure you understand.

To Kyle: I don't remember why we all fell down, but thank you for patching up my bleeding arm and putting shoes on me so I wouldn't walk home barefoot. It's nice when someone else tends your wounds for you.

To Dom and Tim: Wonderful to see you guys. Do we always have to wait like, six months between encounters? I think maybe it's time we started working on that.

To Kristin: Thank you for cleaning my room. You really don't have to do that everytime you come down here, but it's such a wonderful surprise to come home and be able to see my floor.

To my parents and grandparents: You always seem to give me the things that I need and can't manage to get for myself. Thank you for the savings bond, dollars, IPOD ( :-D), and massive quantities of real, honest-to-god food. Also, I would just like to state for the record that even when we're playing a brand new game, I still kick Grandpa's ass at cards. hehehe

To Serenity: I love you. It's not fair that we just met, and already you're gone from my life for good. Sadface.

To Janelle, Brandi, Kathleen, and anyone else who couldn't make it but probably would have if they could: You were missed, and I'll see you when you get here.

And there you have it. It was a fantastic weekend full of some of my favorite people, good food, good drinks, and a great deal of incidents I only half-remember (see previous item in this list).  I had a wonderful weekend, and I hope you all did too.
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