Jun 22, 2005 00:34


If you're around, or can arrange to be around, and you want to see a...well, I won't say quality show, but at least an entertaining one (though possibly not for the right reasons), you should come on out for Anything Goes. And here's why:

Kelson, my lil brother, is in the cast. He's playing Billy, the lead, a tenor. Note that Kelson is NOT a tenor. More like a second bass. Regardless, he's got the lead because no decent tenors tried out. Now, he and I were chatting one day, and he said that the show is strapped for tenors PERIOD, and that they're having trouble filling parts. So I jokingly (JOKINGLY...I was totally kidding) suggest that I sign on, play some bit part (my suggestion was one of the Chinese guys, because we all know how stellar my Chinese accent is), and sing tenor in the chorus. Well guess what. Kelson just got home and informed me that he talked to his director, and I WILL, in fact, be joining the cast as a tenor. And because I was a smartass and God doesn't appreciate that, I will be playing either Ming or Ling, a Chinese guy with a gambling obsession or something.

So...any of you reading this who are tenors and available for the next month or so at night, come on out and be in the show with me...apparently we need sailors, and possibly some small speaking parts, I'm not sure. It certainly won't be difficult, but it'll probably be fun.

And anyone who ISN'T a tenor might as well plan on getting tickets to see this masterful piece of theatrical history. Get drunk first, though.

Really, it would be for the best if you weren't sober.
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