Jun 15, 2009 22:44
Because I was feeling seriously irritated (probably irrationally irritated, but you know how it is sometimes) about the YOUR COMPUTER WILL EXPLODE comments that I got, I did some digging around.
I couldn't find any incidences of fleece damaging laptops. There were a few hits wondering about it, but no one could say "Hey, I used a fleece case and my laptop went kaput because of it." I e-mailed two case manufacturers that used fleece as an interior lining on their cases. I also e-mailed Acer and asked them if a fleece case was safe to use.
Guess what?
To be honest, I've never heard of fleece causing such a problem with laptops! Further, I've never heard from a customer saying that they've experienced problems that they suspect could be attributed to our laptop sleeves.
and then, straight from Acer
Kim, it is safe to use fleece lined sleeve for covering the system.
So, there you have it.