Jul 04, 2007 11:42

Happy Fourth!!!

Lol Lains, Me and Anna cosplayed for the Haruhi Dance Contest. Even though we didnt win >< Some awesome guy recorded us dancing! XD We didnt have music so Lains listened to her Ipod and the rest of us just followed along XD XD XD Still im surprised with how in sync we were!!! Good Times Good Times!

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Me with the short hair, Lains in the middle, and Anna =D

Aside from that MiniCon report we saw S.K.I.N. debut! OMG MIYAVI, GACKT, SUGIZO, YOSHIKI, and juken(the random bassist).

Long Beach Lines = HELL, literally cuz we waited ouside in the buring HOTT sun!

AMVs got shafted(cuz they lost the vdos first night) and then we slept during the reruns ^^`

Masquerade was alright, no really outstanding ones but the intermission show starred SUPER SEXY NARUTO cosplayer boy with ABS! and ninja skills!

Finally got a free viewing of Transformers, it was pretty good *o*

Lol thats all i can remember for now.


haruhi dance, anime expo

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