OOC: This is so far out of all timelines...though I might include it as part of the timeline in Gunrunner's journal.. mostly it is just for
bloodraven77's amusement.
Yeah, there's a storm on the loose, sirens in my head
Wrapped up in silence, all circuits are dead
Cannot decode - my whole life spins into a frenzy
Help, I'm stepping into the Twilight Zone
The place is a mad-house,
Gunrunner was pissed as usual as he stalked down the hall. The bastards in security were blaming him for the theft of credit chips he hadn’t even done. “That had to be a first.” He thought abruptly turning the corner.
Someone ran into him and he snarled as he looked down at the culprit. His eye went wide, who the hell? It was like he was looking in a mirror.
“Who the hell are you?” the human asked his eye reflecting the curious surprise of Gunrunner’s own. His voice was a mimic of Gunrunner’s own.
Gunrunner laughed, “Great Maker, this is absurd.”
“I was going to ask you the same.” Gunrunner stated a smirk spreading on his lips. The men stared intently at each other.
“Who the hell are you?” the human asked again anger in his voice.
“Gunrunner…” he stared at the man for a moment, “And who the hell are you?”
“Call me Snake.” The human said with dangerous arrogance.
Gunrunner laughs. “I have heard of you...but they never told me you looked like me.”
It was Snake’s turn to smirk but it was more treacherous then amused. “I suppose that is a joke then.” Snake motioned toward the eye patch. Gunrunner’s eye narrowed. His eye was not a subject he enjoyed talking about.
“Yeah, a joke…on me it would seem.” Gunrunner snaps sarcastically.
Snake’s brow furrowed angrily as Gunrunner lifted his patch exposing the mangled scars underneath. The scars reminded Snake too much of his own injuries and the betrayal that surrounded them.
“Seems the bastards favor the left side.”
Snake laughed he couldn’t decide if he wanted to knife the man before him for his arrogance or buy him a drink for it.
“Hey...wait... it was you, wasn’t it?” Gunrunner was overcoming the initial shock of the encounter and remembered the earlier accusations of security.
“No.” Snake’s brow rose slightly.
“No, you sure those CredChits aren’t in your pockets?” Gunrunner reverted to his normal behavior and started taunting the man before him.
Snake scowled. No one knew of the job. He had left no one alive to speak about it. “So how did this doppelganger know?” He wondered examining the man before him.
Gunrunner heard Snake’s confusion and with a laugh spoke. “I doubt there are many humans here on the colony with eye patches. I don’t need your cops on my doorstep... I bring enough on my own.”
Snake burst into laughter. This man was fearless and snide, he liked the attitude.
“Deny it. I did.” Snake smirked and Gunrunner started to laugh.
“You truly must be my clone.”
“I say we go get a drink.” Snake offered. “It’ll confuse the hell out of the bastards.”
Gunrunner smirked as they turned toward the shopping district. “I could invite my twin too.” Gunrunner was smirking mischievously.
“Twin? You serious?” Snake glanced at him in disbelief.
“Com’ on I’ll introduce you.”
Snake didn’t know what this other human was up to but he laughed. This is going to be interesting.
-"Twilight Zone"- Golden Earring