Training for Martial Arts Class

May 09, 2007 22:16

WHO: Kanda, McDohl
WHAT: Kanda's training session for Martial Arts Class
WHERE: Various Places
WHEN: After Kanda finds the note
RATING: pg-13 for cussing

There would be a note left for Kanda on his bed in a nice little envelope and his name on the front. Once opened the Note read:

Yuu Kanda,

I have mugen with me and something else quite important to you as well. If you do not find me within 48 hours you will not see Mugen nor will you find the other thing you have lost. First you must find me and fight me to get the key to get mugen back and then the second search is up to you. Good luck.

Martial Arts Instructor


kanda, mcdohl

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