Whoa. What?

Apr 28, 2007 23:09

Who: Goku, Daxter.
When: After Driving class, evening.
Where: Boys' dorm.
What: Goku meets the dog. Daxter meets... the door.
Rating: PG-13. Darn.

"So, listen up, mutt. This... is the collar. You don't eat the collar. You don't chew on the collar. You sit while I put on the collar. Yes. Sit. Good mutt... Ack! No! Wait!"

The stupid puppy pounced on the collar; or, really, Daxter. The poor ottsel had had to evade the dumb dog's teeth, as small as they were, as they once more attempted to clamp down on his tail. They'd both progressed as far as the bed, Dax with the mission of collaring the fluffy thing, while the puppy had ideas on collaring Daxter. With his teeth. Or, at least, Daxter thought it was a he. The petshop had only supplied puppies, the cheapskates, and the one that was barking at him currently had been the largest. A big, fluffy, white-and-brown spotted dog; the odd human clerk had called it a Saint Bernard, but the thing was so far from saintly it couldn't possibly be that.

It was kind of ironic, in a way. In the pen the pet shop kept the stupid things in, they looked harmless and cute and cuddly and that was so not ruining Daxter's manliness by admitting that and oh the eyes-- but when they got out? Pure havoc. Already he had some bite marks on his tail and nape, while the canine was suffering from nothing but a heated glare from where the ottsel had retreated: on top of the dresser.

"Dumb mutt." Daxter sniffed, peering down at the puppy as it circled around his bed. The canine, upon hearing her(for that was her gender, though Funny-Jumpy-Orange-Master didn't apparently know) master's insult, quickly bounded over and rammed head-first into the dresser. And while she plopped down to wonder exactly what had gotten in her way, Daxter deftly leaped onto his bed and made a dive for the computer. At least he could get his message of bravery out on the internet before his heroic passing. 'Rabid, mutant monster, kills courageous, handsome hero! All mourn!' Perfect headlines, really.

Sadly, he didn't get that far. Making a jump from the bed-shoved-in-a-corner to a low-set desk wasn't exactly the smartest thing to do, and the ottsel promptly flew past that, and into the door.

The puppy wasn't as bad as the cats that had chased him around campus. After all, it tended to stick to licking and not killing. That was always a plus in Dax's book, but that was about it. Because of the havoc it had wrecked upon entering the dorm room, the ottsel had neatly dubbed it 'Kitty' before running for cover. Not as evil-looking as the picture the bomb babe had shown him, more dim-witted, but still. Anything with pointy teeth had some bad intention.

So. The scene: Saint Bernard in the mid-motion of turning around, wagging her tail, and bounding toward prone ottsel against the door. Someone wasn't following their script. Gah.

goku, dax

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