Who: Yuuko, Roxas
When: This evening
Where: Yuuko's office
What: Yuuko begins the fulfillment of Sora's wish: Roxas gets a heart.
Rating: PG-13
The curtains were gauze today, shielding the room from the outside world but allowing the late-setting sun to shine through and paint the room in orange and shadows. Maru and Moro stood in silent attendance to either side of a heavily-curtained doorway, mirroring Yuuko's own stance in miniature. The Dimension Witch herself stood before her divan, pipe and alcohol absent, present in her capacity as the Dimension Witch rather than that of the headmistress. There was a notable difference in her attitude.
At a slight nod from the witch, Maru and Moro ran to open the sliding doors, as usual just in time for Roxas to crest the top of the stairs. They then silently ran back to their posts by the curtained doorway, looking neither at Roxas nor at Yuuko.
Yuuko nodded formally at the young Nobody in greeting. "Good evening."