(no subject)

Dec 27, 2006 20:01

Shikamaru sighed, looking up into the grayish sky. "Hnn, not too many clouds today, are there...

Zaphikel was walking around the park, when he noticed Shikamaru's aura. He stopped in his tracks deep in thought. Hmmm..... should I glomp him again or just throw a snow ball? Zaphikel decided on the lesser of two evils, considering last time he glomped him, Shikamaru got into a lot of trouble. He bent down and made a nice sized snowball and threw it in Shikamaru's direction.

Shikamaru's danger instincts kicked in and he dodged, the ball of frozen water just clipping his ear. He spins around, spotting Zaphikel. "Oi, what was that for?

Zaphikel grinned, "It's snow. You're supposed to throw it at people."

Shikamaru's eyes narrow a bit, before he leans down and picks up his own wad of snow, forming into a ball before letting it fly at Zaphikel

Zaphikel heard the snowball coming toward him and stepped out of the way at the last second. He shook his head, "Come on! You can't even hit a blind man?"

Shikamaru leaned down for more snow, forming another ball before forming familiar hands seals. He smirked the threw the snowball, aiming at Zaphikel's stomach.

Zaphikel bows his head and shakes it, stepping out of the way yet again. "Unfortunately that trick doesn't work on me my friend, as I cast no shadow." He grinned.

Shikamaru smirks, before launching a second ball he had secretly made, the trajectory aimed right for where Zaphikel was stepping to.

The snow ball hit Zaphikel in the shoulder, "Damn it!" He said with a slight laugh to his voice. Well, that leaves one thing lift for me to do. He thought as he knew Shikamaru would dodge any snow ball he now threw at him. He began to run full speed towards Shikamaru, tackling him to the ground.

"Gah!" Shikamaru landed on his back, snow flying into the air at Zaphikel's tackle. "Oi! Again with the glomping!"

"Well, you left me no choice. Besides you have nothing to worry about, Sai's not around." Zaphikel grinned as he shoved snow down the back of Shikamaru's shirt.

Shikamaru howled at the cold substance on his back, thrashing to get away. "Not fair!!!!!!!!"

A grin was becoming a permanent fixture to Zaphikel's face, "Don't you like playing in the snow?"

Shikamaru scowled. "Do you know how troublesome it is when you live in a village of highly trained shin obi? Playing in the snow should be labeled as a mission..."

Zaphikel le out a small laugh, "But here, it's safe to do so. You make snowmen and snow angels....." He looked over at Shikamaru, "You do how to make those right?"

Shikamaru gave a small nod. "When I was a lot younger, yes..."

"And now?"

"I remember how, but I don't do so"

"I think you should make a snow angel, right now." Zaphikel grinned.

"How about not. I'm cold enough as it is..."

"Oh but it's easy. See watch!" Zaphikel unfurreled his wings and fell back in the snow. He lay there for a few seconds before standing back up, while retracting his wings once more out of sight and gestured to the imprint in the snow, "See?"

Shikamaru's eyes widened at the sight of the wings. "Wh-what?"

"It's a snow angel, or" Zaphikel scratched his head, "or at least it's supposed to be. Since I can't see it, I don't know if it worked."

"you-you.." Shikamaru's arms came up and flapped weakly. "Wings?!"

Zaphikel gave Shikamaru a strange look, "Well, yes. Being an Angel it kinda comes with the territory. Wait..... You did know I was an Angel did you not?"

Shikamaru shot a stunned look at Zaphikel. "Are you kidding me? How the heck was I supposed to know that?"

Zaphikel shrugged, "I just figured you did. Neji knows, Sai knows, Mayura knows, Edgar knows, Dante....... basically eveyone on campus."

....."How the hell am I the last to know?!?!?!"

"Well, I'm sure there's someone else around here who doesn't know." Zaphikel stopped to think.


"Well, you know now." Zaphikel grinned.

"last to know...."

"Does it really matter?"

"....Not really, but it's still the principle of the thing. I mean, I am your roommate..."

Zaphikel grinned and took a step closer to Shikamaru, "well, maybe if Neji hadn't interupted that one time you would have found out." Wink.

"Oh no, I won't do that again..." Shikamaru steps back, waving his hands in front of him.

Zaphikel laughed, "You're just too fun to bug." Grin.

He sends Zaphikel a dry look. "Thanks...."

"Well, it's true." Zaphikel grinned, "Too bad Sai's not here"

Sai dropped down from a tree and grinned. "If who weren't here now?"

Zaphikel grinned, "Oh hey!"

This is going to get troublesome..."

Zaphikel shot Shikamaru an innocent look, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"You do and you know it..."

Sai blinked innocently "What do you mean?"


"Vince didn't think it was troublesome. Or at least if he did he never said anything. Then again he was moaning too much to say anything at all."


Sai smirked "true..."

"Just how many people have you double-teamed?

Zaphikel grinned, "Just you and Vince."

I feel so privilaged...~.~

"And both were innocent bystanders"

Sai wrapped his arms around Zaphikels shoulder. "It's fun..."

...Not when I got into a fight with Neji about it...

Zaphikel turned to Sai with an idea, "Hey! We should double-team Neji next!"

Sai nipped Zaphikels ear. "Maybe we should have invited him"

NO! Don't touch him! Shikamaru growled possesively


No, protective

“you can always join you know." Zaphikel grinned.

o, I'd rather not, especially if we're caught...

by who?

~.~ Who do you think?

Zaphikel shook his head, "i can't think of anyone who care if they caught you, Sai, Neji and I. Can You Sai?"

.................................What did I just say? Stay away from Neji!

"hmm not really....and you know you enjoyed yourself..."

“ .......no...” Shikamaru muttered.

Sai smirked "Thats not how you acted"

Zaphikel grinned as he threw his arms around Shikamaru, "I agree"

“......shut up...” Shikamaru muttered again.

"Okay," Zaphikel said as he nipped at Shikamaru's ear.

“o-Oi! Back off!”

"Why should he" purred Sai as he plastered himself to shikas other side.

Shikamaru whipped his head around to face Sai. “He-hey! I am taken, you know...”

Sai grinned. " so that's no excuse"

Zaphikel raised his eye brows at Sai's comment and let go of Shikamaru, "What's that supossed to mean?"

Shikamaru backed away a few feet.

Sai frowned. and said " What do you mean?"

"About being taken not being an excuse?"

Sai tilted his head. "Though he's taken we can still tease him to an extent but to go further we should include his signifigant other... the same way I would never do anything of the sort without you or your consent."

Zaphikel breathed a mental sigh of relief, "Oh. Alright then."

Shikamaru was still backing away.

Sai slid out a foot and tripped shika "what did you think i meant" he was being honest. he had no clue what zaphikel could have meant and it showed in his voice.

Gah!” Shikamaru fell over.

"I was just making sure you weren't going to do anything behind my back is all." Zaphikel stifled a laughed as Shikamaru hit the ground

Sai shook his head confused. "Why would I do that?"

"I'm not entirely sure."

"well I would never..." frowns "the thought of doing that gives me an odd sick feeling"

"well, that's good. Not the feeling it gives, but the fact that you wouldn't." Zaphikel offered a small smile

Sai smiled back and kissed Zaphikel.

Zaphikel kissed bring the kiss to a deeper level before pulling away, "So? what do we do with him?"

...................................... *whimper*

"hmmm...i don't know...what would you like to do with him?"

Shikamaru tried to crawl away.

Zaphikel leaned in towards Sai and whispered just loud enough for Sai to hear, "We should pummel him with snowballs."

Sai smirked."Good idea."

Zaphikel quickly bent down and made acouple snow balls quickly and began throwing them at Shikamaru.

Sai bent and started throwing snowballs at shikamaru as well.

Shikamaru, getting pelted, puts one arm up to protect his face. Oi! not fair!!!!!

"It's very fair. Come on, you're a ninja, fight back." He repeated what he had told Sai earlier that day.

Shikamaru’s free hand flinged a handful of snow towards Sai’s and Zaphikel’s faces as he scrambled backwards.

Zaphikel managed to duck just in time, "Hey now! No aiming at our faces." He grinned, "We're too beautiful."

Don't care, stop pegging me!!!!

Zaphikel grinned, "Make a snow angel and maybe I'll stop. Would you like me to demonstrate again?"

“....No, I got it.....” Shikamaru lied back and began making a snow angel.

Sai looked down curiously "Snow Angels?"


Zaphikel turned his head towards Sai and raised his eye brows "You don't know how to make snow angels?"

Sai shrugged "I know how...I was just surprised sir lazy here would"


"Yes, but the way I make them is a lot easier and faster." Zaphikel grinned.

Sai nipped Zaphikels ear " You cheat"

“still don't know why I was the last to know....”

"it's not cheating. It just time effective."

"It's not fair for an angel to make snow angels...you should have to make...snow...devils or something"

Zaphikel turned to Sahikamaru, "I'm sure you're not the last to know.'

“....I have the feeling I am....”

shikamaru, neji, sai, zaphikel

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