
Dec 07, 2006 04:48

Who: Xandra, Dante
When: some evening, some time
Where: Pub
What: Drinking game
Rating: PG-13

So who's gonna win? )

xandra, dante

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devil_hunter_d December 7 2006, 04:58:09 UTC
Dante wasn't in the mood to flirt or even talk to anyone really, but he decided that wasn't "normal" enough for him and managed to drag his flustered ass over to the pub anyway. Besides, he could probably use the drink if not the company. Yea... that'd lighten him up good.

Becoming much more cheery just by thinking about it, by the time Dante actually stepped inside the bar he was walking smoothly and flashing "silly" grins all over the place. Maybe he could stand a little flirting after all. It was his nature after all. Sauntering up to the bar, Dante slid onto a stool next to Xandra and raised his hand in idle greeting. "Yo."


xandra_dv December 7 2006, 05:07:59 UTC
Damn it. Suddenly it was much harder for her to be nonchalant about this evening, but she was still determinded not to flirt with him. Xandra nodded her greeting. "So? How are we going to do this thing? Are we actually going to have rules or just keep drinking until someone passes out?"


devil_hunter_d December 7 2006, 05:28:05 UTC
"Rules?" Dante laughed. "What are those?" He pointed the barkeep down and then indicated that he wanted two drinks with a flip of his fingers. "Nah, I can play by any rules you place. Where I used to hang out at, where I had the reigning champ title for drinking contests, we generally didn't have much more of a rule than drink until someone looses though. But whatever you want, missy."

He picked up the glass handed to him and took a small sip. It was something hard, but not made for drinking contests. He waved his hand at the other drink next to Xandra. "You don't have to drink that, it's not apparent of the contest." Instead he squinted his thumb and forefinger together to indicate shot-glasses then flipped up two fingers again. Two shot-glasses filled with a vile tequila were promptly placed in front of the two contestants and the barkeep kept near to keep the flow coming, not to mention keep the tabs for the endeavor.


xandra_dv December 7 2006, 05:37:10 UTC
"Good. I hate stereotypical driniking games. I'm with you, drink til someone passes out. So I guess Vergil lost our drinking game. And of course I'll drink that." She said as she downed both drinks in front of her as if they were water.


devil_hunter_d December 7 2006, 06:10:01 UTC
Dante laughed, shaking his head, and then threw back the shot-glass with easy-going enthusiasm. "Well, as you please," he replied to her eagerness. He took another sip of the tall glass as the bartender set up the next three rounds of drinks. He then quickly drank his three in rapid concession.


xandra_dv December 7 2006, 06:14:30 UTC
Xandra watched Dante relieved that he was nothing like Vergil when it came to alcohol. She followed suit and drank her shots, "So, You never answered my question from earlier. What's is the 'normal' you?" She asked and watched as three more shot were set up for them.


devil_hunter_d December 7 2006, 06:18:13 UTC
Dante downed the rest of the tall glass as he watched the next group be set up. He would need it if he tried to answer her question.

He glanced at her and shrugged. "Cocky, but aloof from everyone. Hard-ass, playful, mocking, stylish..." he shrugged again and downed the next three drinks with a smirk. "What's it matter?"


xandra_dv December 7 2006, 06:24:28 UTC
"Just trying to make conversation and trying to get to know you better. And yes... You are very stylish." She smiled slightly, then cursed herself and sucked back her shots, Damn, I'm flirting. But it was true. She loved the way he dressed. She motioned to bartender to set up more than three drinks this time. She rolled her eyes when four shots were set up in front of each of them, she was hoping for than four as well.


devil_hunter_d December 7 2006, 06:33:00 UTC
"Conversation ain't for drinking contests, lady. If you wanted that you should have tried another approach." He eyed the drinks possessively, and, just to annoy the girl, snatched all eight shots before she could react. He banged each one down on the bartop and then blinked down the water in his eyes. He shook his head to clear it, then grinned goofily and motioned for more.


xandra_dv December 7 2006, 06:38:41 UTC
"I....... oh............ okay........" She said in reaction to him stealing her alcohol. He sure did like his alcohol, possibly more than she did, which said a lot. "So are we just gonna sit here in silence and drink? That's hardly any fun."


devil_hunter_d December 7 2006, 06:42:32 UTC
Dante rectutantly agreed with that last statement. "Uh, well, yea..." He eyed the bartender as he set up eight more glasses. "So find a better topic or something... I don't know. I'm used to lots of people cheering and watching... and drinking really fast and making it short and an easy win."


xandra_dv December 7 2006, 06:47:50 UTC
Xandra raised an eyebrow, "And here I thought you'd love to talk about yourself." Xandra shrugged, "I guess I was wrong." She said and took her shots before he could steal them again. "And I suppose asking you what you'd want to talk about is too much to ask? Maybe you'd like to hear about me." She said the last part under her breath, hoping her didn't hear it. She hated telling people about herself, especially when it came to her age and abilities.


devil_hunter_d December 7 2006, 06:53:31 UTC
Dante's interest was slightly peeked. "Only if willing, lady." Although he doubted it from her current expression.

He watched her down the tequila then gestured to the bartender again. This time two shots were set down along with the entire bottle. He motioned again and reluctantly the tender handed over other bottle as well. "We'll just keep track of the shots in our head instead," he said as he watched the tender clean up the last several glasses already downed.

He took poured a shot then drank it and poured another, but he waited for her to keep up. "Find something. Anything," he said in reply to her trying to find a conversation worthy of his attention.


xandra_dv December 7 2006, 07:02:11 UTC
Xandra shook her head, "See, you're doing that all wrong." She said taking the bottle from him and drink straight from it. She motioned to bartender to bring another bottle. She beganm to feel something she hadn't in quiet some time. Holy hell. Am I buzzing?
"Well, let's see. I'm centuries old and I have the ability to see vision in my dreams, though usually I have to solve them. Aaaand, I.... hang out with strange people. Oh! And I don't remember first..... let's say couple of decades of my life. Oh! And I used to have a rat named Lexi but she died about a year ago. She was 15."


devil_hunter_d December 7 2006, 15:25:53 UTC
Dante chuckled a bit, immediately recognizing the intoxication effect in Xandra's speech. From the sound of his giggle, he seemed to be getting close himself. Dante never liked the idea of taking tequila straight from the bottle, but he didn't however mind something else. Pouring another shot, he lifted in mock salute and chugged it down. He then ordered something a little stronger to gulp down and join her level of playing.

"Give me a bottle of dwarven spirits, please," he told the barkeep. For all he knew this place actually had the real thing made from real dwarves. But either way, man made copy of the legendary stuff or real, the drink was quite potent. He downed the bottle as quickly as Xandra drank the tequila and then chuckled a bit more as he put the bottle on the table.

"Sounds... interesting," he finally said, referring to her life story. "Centuries old, you say?" he managed with a light lilt.


xandra_dv December 7 2006, 17:04:20 UTC
Xandra rolled her eyes, "Don't even get me started. I hate it. I'm been around for seven hunderd plus years, it annoying. I used to make friends with humans, trying to ignore my cruse. But they always aged and always died. So now I hang around with immortal type people. I----" Xandra stopped, realizing that she was giving much too much information away for her liking. "So you say you're playful? I have yet to see that side of you, and look forward to seeing it." She said and took another swig from the bottle.


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