(no subject)

Nov 06, 2010 20:00

Who:  Frau, Gray, Mao, Kobato, Arata, Hidan, Bakura, and OPEN
What:  Mattress surfing
Where:  Boy's dorm
When:  Current
Rating:  PG?

"Do you really think it'll fit?"  Gray grumbled as he tried to drag the mattress out of his room.

"It'll fit.  Trust me.  We just have to get it out and situated and we'll be good to go," Frau replied as he struggled to turn the mattress a bit and shove it out the door.  It took some finagling, but they managed to pull the mattress into the hallway.  Frau nodded his approval and smirked at Gray.  "Let the fun begin."

Gray rolled his eyes.  "You do realize we have to get this thing up the steps before we can do anything fun, right?"  This would have been so much easier if one of them had already lived on the second floor.  Ah well.  He'd just consider it strength training.

Frau snagged the end of the mattress and started dragging it up the steps.  They would really need to come up with a better method... pulling it up this way each time one of them went down would get annoying pretty fast.  Maybe a rope pulley.  If only this place didn't limit magic he could zaiphon the stupid thing up the steps.  Once they'd gotten it to the second floor and position on the edge of the steps Frau glanced at Gray.  "You going first or should I?"

"You're kidding, right?"  Gray asked, a wild smile on his face.  "Of course I'm going first!  You just wait here!"  Gray took a few steps back before running forward.  A step away from the mattress he leaped up, landing dead center on his stomach.  The sudden force caused the mattress to slip over the first step and start going down the rest of the flight.  "YES!"

frau, atem, arata ichikawa, gray fullbuster, kobato hanato, melissa mao, hidan

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