Explosion imminent...

Jun 11, 2010 19:58

Who: Koushirou, Hidan, maybe others later
When: 5AM, Friday morning June 11th
Where: House Theta, room 102
What: Koushirou finds his room, and his roommate. Worst roommate pairing ever.
Rating: PG-13 for Hidan? >.>

It hadn't taken him all that long to find the dorms, or which room was supposedly him. This was a little strange, as he wasn't too used to going to other worlds that actually provided you somewhere to stay, but he wasn't going to complain about it either.

This island was fascinating. He'd been there less than an hour and he had a million question he wanted to look into. He'd decided to find his room first, though, and then work from there; especially considering he had no lights. He'd have to get a flashlight, or wait for the sun to come up in another hour or so.

Reaching the correct room, he slid his keycard, and went in. Then he stopped.

Yamato'd mentioned rooming with Taichi, but Koushirou had, a bit uncharacteristically but understandably in the situation, failed to make the connection that he would probably have a roommate too. Being an only child and an introverted one at that, Koushirou really wasn't big on this idea, but there wasn't much he could do about it. His roommate appeared to be sleeping, so with any luck he could head back out before the other woke up, and deal with them later.

koushirou izumi, hidan

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