
Apr 01, 2010 00:56

Who: OPEN to all
What: Virus redux craziness~
Where: Anywhere and everywhere!
When: April 1st
Rating: Depends on the thread. (If anything happens that needs a warning which is totally unlikely then this post will be edited to reflect that ( Read more... )

frau, tsuzuki asato, yuugi mutou, linali, virus: virus redux, *open, kazuki, flora, atem, bakura ryou, rebecca hopkins

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In the courtyard~/for Tsuz and whoever else dark_steps April 2 2010, 05:22:02 UTC
This was not good. Not good at all. Linali rubbed her ring-free ankles one more time, on the verge of panic. Her Innocence was gone, scars and all; she could feel it missing, like someone had dug into her body and pulled out a part of her. A strange feeling was trying to fill the void, but she was fighting it off as best she could. Yun-qi wound his way around her ankles, looking up at her with his knowing green eyes.

Add to that the fact that she was zoning out and finding herself doing strange things and Linali had to wonder just what was going on. People were acting strange again so she imagined it was the island's doing, but her Innocence just disappearing from her body like that had her on edge.


c_is_for_cakey April 2 2010, 13:21:19 UTC
After he'd thoroughly exhausted himself playing with Atem, Tsuzuki had taken a quick nap. He'd woken a few minutes ago, and the first thing he saw was something familiar. Linali! Yapping excitedly, he barreled towards his partner, ears flapping behind him as he ran. He'd almost reached her when once again he tripped on his too large feet an did a tuck and roll, landing in and upside down pile at her feet. "Bark!"


dark_steps April 4 2010, 17:52:16 UTC
Yun-qi spotted the puppy first, bowing up and hissing loudly beside Linali. She jumped and looked over at him before she noticed the adorable little creature at her feet. "A puppy?" Were there ever dogs on the island before? Cats yes, but she'd never seen a dog. Her hand moved back to her ankle unhappily; did she really have time to think about whether or not there were dogs on the island when her Innocence had disappeared?


c_is_for_cakey April 5 2010, 01:33:18 UTC
Tsuzuki skittered off to hid behind Linali's leg the instant that Yun-qi started hissing. He whimpered softly, his tail tucked between his legs, and pressed against Linali for protection.


dark_steps April 5 2010, 02:01:45 UTC
Linali felt the puppy press against her and felt him shivering; instantly, she felt bad. "It's okay," she told him soothingly, petting his head. "Yun-qi, calm down. It's not gonna hurt you."


c_is_for_cakey April 5 2010, 02:06:41 UTC
Tsuzuki looked up at Linali, his recognizable purple eyes filled with fear. He gave another little whimper and then lay on the ground, head between his paws in an attempt to show Yun-qi that he wasn't dangerous.


dark_steps April 5 2010, 03:02:59 UTC
Yun-qi hissed loudly again in response before turning tail and running off; he made his way up the nearest tree and hid within the thick leaves. "You're horrible," Linali fussed at him in Chinese. She rubbed the puppy's head gently again, wondering if he'd let her pull him into her lap. "It's okay. He sounds mean, but he won't do anything."


c_is_for_cakey April 5 2010, 03:11:41 UTC
Tsuzuki leaned into her petting for a moment and then turned his head so he could lick her fingers. He knew that Yun-qi wasn't usually mean, though it did make sense that they wouldn't get along since he was currently a dog.


dark_steps April 5 2010, 03:24:04 UTC
Reaching down, Linali hefted the dog up into her lap with a bit of effort; he wasn't exactly tiny. "You're so cute. How come I've never seen you before?" She scratched behind his ears and around his collar. Cuddling an adorable puppy definitely helped to calm her nerves, but she buried her face in the fur at his neck unhappily. "I'm really worried, puppy. My Innocence is gone. And there's something else there. Something frightening."


c_is_for_cakey April 5 2010, 03:29:15 UTC
The tag on the collar jingled when she rubbed around it. Tsuzuki happily soaked up the petting until Linali suddenly stopped. She was so upset! He whimpered softly and rubbed his head against her cheek. He whined quietly and licked her face, trying to cheer her up a bit.


dark_steps April 5 2010, 03:38:13 UTC
Linali smiled a bit and rubbed around his collar again, noticing the jingling. "Thank you." She felt around until she found what was making the noise, leaning close to read what the tag said. "Tsu... Tsuzuki?!" She looked into the puppy's purple eyes, shocked. "You're Tsuzuki?!"


c_is_for_cakey April 5 2010, 03:42:45 UTC
Tsuzuki tipped his head to the side to watch Linali as she seemed to be searching for something. When she finally said his name his ears perked up, and he gave a high pitched yip of excitement. His tail started wagging like crazy as he danced around on her lap.


dark_steps April 6 2010, 01:30:45 UTC
"You're a... puppy." And an adorable one at that. She cuddled him closer again. "If you're a puppy, then maybe the island is just messing with me too?" She really, REALLY hoped so.


c_is_for_cakey April 6 2010, 01:39:22 UTC
Tsuzuki gave her a quick little bark to show that he agreed before sticking both feet on her chest to try and lick her face. He'd done the same thing with Atem. There was just one major difference that he hadn't thought of. Atem's chest had been flat...


dark_steps April 6 2010, 02:00:22 UTC
Though he was squishing her a bit and it was slightly embarrassing to know it was Tsuzuki pressing against her like that, Linali appreciated the licking; she knew Tsuzuki wouldn't take it the wrong way. "Thank you."


c_is_for_cakey April 6 2010, 02:07:41 UTC
Satisfied that Linali was happy again, Tsuzuki turned to more pressing matters. His games with Atem had made him really hungry. There had to be food around somewhere or he was simply going to starve to death. Tsuzuki popped down into her lap again and started snuffling around in an attempt to find some food. She had to be hiding something.


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