Who: Gray, Tsuzuki, OPEN (don't make me play with myself)
What: Gray and Tsuzuki decide that everyone needs to relax a bit after Malik's attack, so they'll be throwing snow at people
Where: Cafeteria
When: Three days after Malik's attacks, around lunch
Rating: PG
"How many more can fit?" Tsuzuki called over his shoulder as he continued packing snowballs. "Just keep making them!" Gray returned. He'd created an ice cooler with his magic and was working on stuffing it with the snowballs Tsuzuki had already completed. Malik's attack had thrown him off a few days ago, but he'd already gotten over it. Two days should be enough, right? By day three Gray was worried that everyone was still far too uptight. Something needed to be done about that, so he'd recruited Tsuzuki. The shinigami carried a huge pile of snowballs into the hallway and set them down by Gray. "How's that?" he asked. Gray grinned and started putting those away too. "Perfect. I think we're good for now, Tsuzuki. All we need to do is hide and wait."
The two shoved the cooler behind the stairway leading up the the cafeteria and crouched down, snowballs in hand. Everyone would be coming up to eat soon, or so they hoped, which would give them plenty of targets. "This'll be fun!" Tsuzuki said, giggling just a little bit. Gray smirked, bu then pressed a finger to his lips. "Shhh. Be quiet or it'll give us away." Tsuzuki nodded dramatically and pretended to zip his lips shut and throw away the key. The two were set and ready, all they needed now was a target...