Who: Frau and C.C.
What: Frau's fourth kiss... dang this guy gets around
Where: Tunnels
When: The 23rd
Rating: PG probably
Frau was working his way through the tunnels, attempting to find the correct path to the bookstore. He rarely went there, so it wasn't a path he knew well. The bishop had already picked up all of his Christmas gifts, but he'd realized he'd forgotten a few important items for some special and lucky people. Since the tunnels were rather empty he hadn't been bothering to check for mistletoe. Since he'd already gotten caught with three people, he was constantly on the lookout when others were around. The last thing he wanted was to wind up kissing more guys. Once was bad enough, thanks. Frau sighed, backtracking once again as he figured out that he'd followed the wrong tunnel again. At this rate he would never get anywhere... annoying.