Who: Linali and Atem, with a Jounouchi and Yuugi appearance later on
When: The last day of the storm, late afternoon
Where: Around campus, ultimately in the forest
What: Thinking her cat's out in the snowstorm and in danger, Linali braves the storm to search for him, dragging Atem along with her.
Rating: PG? for shoujo manga-ness~
Linali ran furiously down the hallway of House Theta, her knee-length wool coat and damp hair flapping behind her, her face completely panicked. She'd checked so many different buildings that this was her absolute last resort. If she didn't find her cat here, it was time to become even more panicked; there was no way Yun-qi would be doing well if he was caught outside in the storm. Skidding to a stop in front of Yuugi and Atem's room, she banged her gloved hand against the door 4 times, rocking side to side impatiently as she waited for someone to answer, her heart thumping loudly in her throat.