Who: C.C. and Kaito
What: C.C. is tired of Kaito calling her "See-See." Drastic measures are taken with a straight jacket, apparently
When: Start of the clothing swap virus.
Where: Boys dorms
Rating: PG
Well, this was pleasant.
It wasn't that Kaito had any problem walking in heels. As a disguise artist (who frequently donned skirts to confuse the detectives who chased him) he knew how to wear them. Perhaps a little bit too well, honestly. Still, that didn't mean he enjoyed it, and as soon as he found himself stuck in C.C.'s knee high boots and ridiculously short shorts, he started to rummage through his closet for a different outfit to wear. It didn't look like his green-haired friend had gone shopping when she arrived on campus though, however. There wasn't much else other than the dress he was wearing and a pair of pajamas (which consisted of a white shirt and shorts. Not to mention a black tank top that really didn't look like a pair of girl's clothing...)
Oh. And a straight jacket.
The magician did a double take. "What the heck...?" he asked as he pulled the straight jacket out of his closet. "What's she use this for?"