Around Campus

Nov 14, 2006 00:14

Who: Master Chief, Acorna
When: Late morning
Where: Starting at the Faculty Dorms, walking all around campus
What: John and Acorna, both new to the campus, go exploring together to find places and familiarize themselves with the campus.
Rating: PG

Campus Walk )

master chief, acorna

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masterandchief November 15 2006, 16:53:36 UTC
John's eyes glanced over the silver haired woman quickly, from head to toe and back up again. He noted the horn quite curiously but his eyes only lingered there for a second more than necessary and then never strayed there again. He fought cloven-footed, eight foot tall, blue monsters for a life; he had seen just about everything that was going to surprise him already. Not to mention he knew what it felt like to be stared at. In his MJOLNIR armor the Chief was always being stared at, either with fear or awe... or a mixture of both.

John's only visible reaction, if any at all, was to straighten his posture even more, if that was even possible. Master Chief never shook hands and without the need to salute, John was unsure just how to greet the woman before him. Staying stoic though, John spoke in a deep, calm voice, "Acorna? Nice to meet you. I'm the Master Chief." John paused and then added as an after thought, "John."

Acorna seemed nice enough to hand out his name to, besides the fact that he was in a civilian public place and probably should use a "real" name anyhow. Besides that, he suddenly remembered that he'd already given his name to her in their previous conversation. How odd, he thought to himself. Perhaps he had only been polite to a person already being polite to him. Either way, John felt no reason to force her to call him 'Master Chief.'

With his side of the formalities out of the way, John simply stood there straight and tall as he waited for her reply.


acorna_h_li November 19 2006, 08:23:51 UTC
Acorna smiled. "It's nice to meet you, too, John."

The first thing she noticed about John was how tall he was. Acorna knew that her race was taller than humans (she was just over six feet herself, and that was the average height for Linyaari females), but this man was equivalent to Thariinye. The second thing she noticed was the lack of emotions that she was picking up from him. A trace of unease and uncertainty was all that she could read.

Hopefully an attempt at humor would help him to relax. Acorna grinned, showing her teeth in a manner that would be viewed as aggression in the Linyaari culture, but was a friendly gesture amongst humans. "Are you sure you're not part Linyaari? You're simply too tall not to be, and your mental shields are impeccable." Like she thought, attempt at humor.


masterandchief November 22 2006, 17:54:08 UTC
It wasn't, however, in John's nature to relax. But he did acknowledge her attempt at loosening the mood. He was used to the Marines trying the same thing when around him or in a particularly 'sticky' battle. Or, more often than not, both.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what the Linyaari are like. Is that what you are? I'd be grateful if you explained your race to me though." John attempted a small smile, but it hardly reached the corners of his mouth and was nigh but detectable. He gestured for her to begin walking with him; that was, after all, what they had gathered here for. "If while we walked around the campus would be all right?"


acorna_h_li November 23 2006, 05:39:27 UTC
Acorna walked along side John, allowing him to choose their path. She noticed that the man did not seem any more at ease than he was a few moments ago. It struck her as odd, because Linyaari, for the most part, had a calming affect on human emotions, thanks to their telepathy and empathy. Perhaps he was taught to stay on the edge, Acorna mused.

"We are, for the most part, a peaceful people. The Linyaari would do anything to avoid fighting. But, there were times where that philosophy has done us more harm than good." Acorna's silvery pupils narrowed slightly as she remember the pain the Khleevi had inflicted on her people, her family, her friends, and her beloved Aari.


masterandchief November 25 2006, 03:48:00 UTC
John walked around what he knew was the girls' dormatory and headed for the nearest building, which looked like a store of some sort. It was as good a place to start as any other.

He nodded at Acorna's words, his eyes more focused on their path although his attention was equally divided. "Peace sounds ideal; I'd love to see it reach the human race one day." He looked at Acorna briefly. "I also know I will never seen it in my lifetime. But it is what I fight for nevertheless."


acorna_h_li November 25 2006, 06:40:43 UTC
"So you are a soldier." At John's glance, Acorna explained. "It was the way you stood. It reminded me of someone I knew who was in the military. Well, technically, she was a mercenary..."

Shaking her head, Acorna looked at the building in front of the pair. "If I remember correctly, that's the bookstore. And the building next to that is a gymnasium."


masterandchief November 25 2006, 19:37:28 UTC
John again nodded. "Yes, I am a soldier. A UNSC Navy noncom to be exact. When I said 'Master Chief' earlier, it was because I'm used to being called that rather than by name."

John looked away from the Linyaari and focused on the buildings before them. "Well then, let's find something else to locate," he said, and started heading down the path that ran past the gymnasium and its fellow physical education buildings.


acorna_h_li November 26 2006, 06:38:00 UTC
((Technically, a single person of the Linyaari race is called a Liinyar. Just FYI.))

Acorna could tell that John did not feel like giving out any more information about himself, so she simply nodded and followed him down the path. Trying to remember the map she left in her room (and was now partially regretting that laps in foresight), she accidentally projected her thoughts into the Master Chief's mind.

I think there's some pubs up ahead. Maybe we could take a short break if John's hungry. But... Will I be able to eat anything there? Hm...


masterandchief November 30 2006, 21:48:46 UTC
John's stride broke for an entire five seconds as the thought startled him into absolute stillness. Trying to hide his confusion and, worse yet, anger, John continued walking as if nothing happened. His face, however, for once betrayed him. He couldn't keep the mixed confusions off his face this time.

His eyes darted to Acorna. As new and unacquainted with what had just happened, still he knew it had to have come from her. He had heard of mindreading and mindspeech, the fabled telepathy of myth. Perhaps it wasn't so mythical after all. It still disturbed him.

John opened his mouth to speak, then promptly shut it before anything came out. Acorna didn't seem to notice that she had done anything out of the ordinary, perhaps it was just a mistake. Still, should he warn her it was happening? He remained back the few paces that had elapsed when he suddenly stopped then started walking again, thinking as he continued ahead whether or not to say something. Maybe she would just notice his absence at her side and he wouldn't have to talk at all.


acorna_h_li November 30 2006, 23:54:37 UTC
Acorna felt waves of uneasiness roll off of John before they were suppressed. She turned, noticing John had fallen behind. Baffled for a moment, her silvery pupils narrowed in distress as she realized what she had done.

"Oh! I'm sorry, John. I didn't tell you that my people are telepathic." Acorna brought a hand up to her forehead and shook her head with a rueful smile. "I've been told I'm a strong sender, and I sometimes project my thoughts if I'm distracted or not focused. I didn't mean to startle you."


masterandchief December 2 2006, 22:07:36 UTC
John nodded hesitantly, still a bit uncertain about the entire thing. "It's... all right. I'll live; it's not like it was a threat or anything." And with that comforting thought, John finally managed to completely wipe out his confusion and anger. There was no need or reason for either he realized.

"To answer you're question though," the Spartan went onward quickly to avoid the subject currently, "if you want to try and find something to eat it would not bother me." He took two large strides to catch up with her then continued their normal pace. "Is it hard for you to find things you eat? Is it that different a diet?"


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