Who: Hakkai, Mai, and Gray
What: Drinking... no surprise there
Where: the pub
When: shortly after Fuji's disappearance
Rating: PG-PG-13 for drunken stupidity
Every since Fuji had returned to his home world Hakkai had pretty much been staying on his own. There really hadn't been very many people that he spent time with at Moksa outside of his previous roommate. Eiji had been one of the others, but Hakkai had figured it would be best to give the boy some space. Besides, he'd only been near Eiji because of Fuji. While he hadn't been against leaving his room or talking to people, Hakkai hadn't found much reason to do so. At least he hadn't until Mai suggested they go drinking. That had gotten him up and out of the room in what might have been record time. It wasn't just that he needed something to distract him from the sudden extra space in the room, it was more the fact that he was getting rather low on his personal stash. He really hadn't had all that much lately, it had just added up over time.
Hakkai had made his way to the Zantetsuken pub after he'd made sure that Hakuryuu was content to eat his strawberries alone. That was about the only mehod he'd found successful to keep the dragon from joining him for a drink. After picking up a bottle of wine and whiskey to take back to his room and a tall glass of beer, something he rarely drank, Hakkai sat down at one of the tables near the door. Mai would arrive soon, he was sure. He took a sip of the beer, and then glanced at it with wide eyes. It was surprisingly good. Hopefully there would be some less in the glass by the time Mai got there... or maybe there was no point trying.