Kitten is angry, kitten is offended.

Oct 12, 2008 22:10

Who: OPEN! chibi!Atem, chibi!Bakura so far
When: First full day of the virus, right after this conversation.
Where: House Theta: Dorm #107 (and beyond? XD)
What: Atem and Bakura have annoyed each other yet again, and even being kids won't stop them from fighting.
Rating: PG? I don't think they'll be violent enough as children to go to PG-13.

Fur standing out and little claws extended. )

atem, bakura, virus: child regression

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egyptthiefking October 14 2008, 03:27:44 UTC
Bakura heard Atem's shriek and smirked confidently to himself, continuing down the hall as fast as he could. His bare feet thumped loudly across the floor as he went, but the thief obviously didn't think of the dorm's other occupants.

"Hehe! Try to catch me, stupid pharaoh!" He called tauntingly over his shoulder, at the same time trying to think of any quick escape routes.


dark_steps October 14 2008, 03:49:06 UTC
Linali, her newly tiny Dark Boots on her feet, had heard the commotion and was roaming the hallways of the boys dorm, looking for the commotion. As she was walking, she heard the taunt and frowned; she didn't like people being mean to other people, especially when she thought she knew who was being taunted. As she heard Bakura's feet thumping around the corner, she waited until he'd just rounded it and pulled her right foot back, kicking him squarely in the shin, careful not to invocate her boots, but as hard as she humanly could.


egyptthiefking October 14 2008, 03:55:22 UTC
Bakura tried his best to stop as he saw Linali in front of him, but failed to avoid her swift kick and let out a yelp. "Owww! What did you do that for, stupid?!" He demanded with a scowl, hopping comically for a moment before irately reaching up and yanking on one of Linali's pigtails. If he knew the possible consequences he obviously didn't care.

"This isn't the girls' dorm!"


draw_a_card October 14 2008, 04:02:46 UTC
Atem, chasing Bakura through the hall and not paying any mind to the idea that they shouldn't be so loud, stopped suddenly when he saw Linali appear and kick Bakura in the shin.

He would have burst into giggles, until Bakura pulled Linali's hair. Now instantly furious and looking very silly with tears on his angry little face, Atem stormed up and kicked Bakura hard in the back of the knee. "Leave her alone!"


birdiedoesbite October 14 2008, 04:14:51 UTC
The noise downstairs was atrocious. Hibari had been lying back on his bed, trying to nap to get over his anger before going to find this "Yuuko" person. However, he'd only just started to nod off when the shouting and crying of children woke him up. From reading this network business, he'd already come to the conclusion that any children here were only that age for the moment. Therefore, any bit of guilt he may have felt for harassing them was pre-squashed and he had no problem swinging his Namimori uniform coat over his shoulders and stalking silently and furiously down the stairs and into the first-floor hall.

His tonfa were in hand already by the time he raised his voice. "What do you think you're doing, brats?"


egyptthiefking October 14 2008, 04:23:36 UTC
Bakura whipped around and seemed to be on the verge of downright tackling Atem for the second kick when he heard an irate voice not too far away. He turned slightly to glower at the newcomer, hands clenched tightly at his sides and a pout that was more comical than anything else.

"Mind your own business!" He hissed grumpily towards Hibari, ignoring the fact that the young man was armed and was not currently in a child's form.


draw_a_card October 14 2008, 04:27:01 UTC
At the arrival of Hibari, Atem turned his angry expression towards him. Who was this supposed to be, and who was he calling a brat?

"Go away!" He chimed towards Hibari right after Bakura, putting his hands on his hips before stomping over to check on Linali.


dark_steps October 14 2008, 04:32:02 UTC
Linali cried out in pain when he grabbed her ponytail, struggling against his grip. "I can go wherever I want!" she shouted, trying to get away. "You can't tell me where to go!" When Bakura was distracted by the sudden appearance of Hibari, she paused for just a second before tackling him to the ground with a loud cry. "Stop being such a jerk, stupid-head!" She completely ignored the older man, intent on her fight.


birdiedoesbite October 14 2008, 04:35:41 UTC
Hibari scowled at the children. No respect, honestly. The worst thing about being in a new place was that no one knew to do what he said. However, swinging a tonfa at a small child didn't seem like an easy or convenient thing to do, so instead he sent a kick, not the least bit held back, at the squabbling pile of kid on the floor.

"Go outside. Now. Unless you want to be bitten to death."


egyptthiefking October 14 2008, 04:45:11 UTC
Bakura let out another cry as Linali tackled him and he did his best to shove her off as they were kicked by Hibari. He managed to roll the annoyed Linali away from him and stumble (rather sorely) to his feet, glowering at Hibari from underneath his messy hair.

"Why you... Don't make me summon Diabound to destroy you!" He threatened, not even really sure if he could summon his kaa like this.


draw_a_card October 14 2008, 04:53:11 UTC
Atem really didn't care that Bakura got kicked, but how dare Hibari kick at Linali? He was so annoying and mean!

Furious again, a bright glowing eye appeared on his forhead and he pointed at Hibari dramatically. "How dare you!? Leave now before you make me really mad!" There was nothing he could really do right now, but Hibari didn't have to know that.


dark_steps October 14 2008, 04:58:18 UTC
Catching some of the kick herself, Linali let out an "oof!" as she skittered across the floor with Bakura, pushing him away from her as hard as he was pushing. Standing up swiftly, she said, "I'm telling Cross-nii and then you'll be in big trouble!" she shouted indignantly, her tiny Dark Boots invocating themselves. "That was really mean!" She felt tears in her eyes, but continued to stare at the the older man as harshly as she could.


birdiedoesbite October 14 2008, 05:03:28 UTC
Hibari smirked to himself, and gestured towards the door with one hand. He wasn't at all intimidated by the little glowing things. He'd seen scarier, after all. And besides, all he needed was to get them to go away, so he could take a nap in peace.

"Get out, or I'll do worse. I don't need your mingling keeping me awake."


egyptthiefking October 14 2008, 10:13:03 UTC
"Why don't you get out, newcomer! I don't need your stupid attitude getting in my way!" Bakura snapped back as he placed his hands stubbornly on his hips, obviously having no intention of backing down, whether he was a child or not... It was almost admirable. But mostly just a little ridiculous.


mannersplease October 14 2008, 12:33:00 UTC
"WILL YOU ALL JUST SHUT UP?!" Hakkai demanded from the stairwell. Like Hibari, he'd been drawn down to the first floor by the noise. It hadn't been too loud until Hibari had started, from what he guessed, knocking people around. Normally Hakkai was all cool tempered, but he'd started to randomly take on the personality he'd had as a kid.

Not willing to wait for them to do as he asked, Hakkai held his hands out like he was holding a globe. Surprisingly, a yellow globe seemed to appear there. Hakkai's chi, and his method of offense and defense.


fueled_by_mocha October 14 2008, 14:40:20 UTC
Komui was through putting up with the rumble downstairs. Luckily, the virus had only reverted him to his mid teens, making it possible for him to continue to work... but if he couldn't hear himself think what was the point?! He hurried from the room, slamming the door behind him loud enough for the whole dorm to hear, and raced down the stairs. He almost fell over the pint sized Hakkai, but caught himself just in time. "Eep," Komui spotted the dangerous item in Komui's hand and grabbed the youngster by the waist. He hoisted him up in his arms to try and calm the boy.

"Would you all be quiet!? And what on earth are you doing, they're just children." Komui snapped at the older boy, noticing his threatening stance. He looked down at the children and noticed Linali, his eyes widening. "Linali?! What are you doing here?" He asked quickly, hurrying over to check on her.... and possibly forgetting about Hakkai in his arms.


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