Who: Riku-chan, Linali, Snow, and Yun-qi
When: 4 pm on a weekday
Where: Linali's room (108)
What: Riku-chan and Linali let their kittens meet and play, and probably girl-talk
Rating: PG at the worst with these two
This might give you diabetes it's so sweet... )
Riku grinned as she watched the kittens. "Awwe...Snow's warming up to Yun-qi! That's good. I hope they'll get good friends since they'll be hanging out a lot together. We can even let them stay together while we're in classes so they won't get lonely." Riku suggested.
"Yeah, a skateboard is this...well, it's a board with wheels on it, but it's decorated and carved down. It's just a way to get around, but it's really fun to try!" She listened to Linali speak again and then blinked. "I've never seen you activate your boots...What happens?"
"We definitely should! And Yun-qi has finally stopped trying to scratch up everything in sight so we could leave the bathroom door open and let them have the run of the suite!" Linali smiled.
Confused, Linali tilted her head to the side. "I'm not sure I understand, but I guess I'll see for myself when I go." She winked at Riku.
"Well, if you want, we can take a walk down to the beach later and I can show you first hand."
Riku couldn't help but smile as she turned back to look at Linali with a grin. "Yeah! That sounds like a great plan! Then they won't get restless in one room and can run around and play in both. That's perfect. Good idea, Linali!"
"You should definitely see for yourself. It's really fun and I'll let you know whenever we meet again to practice."
"Um...Sure, that'd be great! I'm really curious." She nodded to her friend, a smile still on her face. "We should probably go sometime before it gets dark but we still have a little while until that happens."
"Then that's just what we'll do." Linali smiled back, glad to please her friend. "As for skateboarding, just another new experience, right?"
"Sure thing. I'm sure Yun-qi would love to get outside. And I've been told that sea air is good for you." Linali shrugged. "I'm not sure why though. Physicians back home constantly sent sick people to the seaside, saying it would help."
Riku just smiled. She couldn't help the small "Awwwe" that came from her when she saw Yun-qi acting so sweetly. "He's adorable, Linali!" She, in turn, nodded about her last skateboarding comment.
"Snow needs some outside time too. I don't know if she's ever been to the ocean, so it'll be a nice change for her." She said with a smile, an excitement building in at the idea of getting to see Linali's mysterious boots in action.
"Yun-qi, you big show-off!" Linali lauged at his antics. "Thanks, Riku-chan. Snow is absolutely precious. I'm glad she and Yun-qi warmed up to each other so quickly!"
"Sure. Yun-qi loves it out there. One time though he accidentally fell into a hole and got covered up. I couldn't find him for the longest time!"
Riku just grinned, laughing as she saw Snow move closer to Yun-qi. "She's falling for it to. That's really funny." Turning to see her friend again, she nodded. "Yun-qi's so cute. I'm really glad they're getting along too. It's nice to know she's got a friend."
"Fell into a whole?! Geez! That's not good! Snow would be petrified if that happened to her! Was he ok?" She asked, immediate shock on her face.
Yun-qi dropped the ball and climbed up into Linali's lap, rubbing and purring. "Are you ready to go?" Linali asked him.
"Nya!" he cried out loudly.
"Let's head out then, before it gets too cold. Oh, hey, wait.." She rushed back into her room, draped a large blanket over her arms, and then moved back to Linali's side. "Like a picnic blanket! We could even pick up some food and take it out there for dinner or something."
"Ugh. They don't feel as heavy as they did before, but they're still pretty heavy." She took a few more steps before heading towards the door. "C'mon Yun-qi." Mewling, he followed behind her, happy to get to go outside.
"I'm glad to see you taking them off now since wearing them all the time seems so...so...imposing." She replied, not able to think of something she would HAVE to wear all the time and not get sick of. "I mean, you feel better not having to wear them constantly, don't you? You say they're really heavy and they look pretty heavy..."
She reached out and gave Snow a soft caress. "Thanks for asking though, Riku-chan. You're sweet to always be so worried about me."
"Well, friends worry for each other. It's just what happens. Plus, it's just hard to imagine HAVING to wear something all the time." She reached up to push her hair behind her ear with a shrug."I guess it might not be so bad if you're used to it, but I just think it would be weird."
"You're right. I know all about worrying. I'm friends with some completely reckless individuals." Linali shrugged. "I guess it just doesn't seem odd to me because that's just how it's been my whole life. It's never something I've particularly liked, but it's been my duty so I've done it. Something like that." She hopped down from the rocky ledge that separated the sand from the grass. The afternoon sky was starting to turn red as she shielded her eyes with one arm and took a deep breath of sea air.
((Sorry I've been gone for so long. Work is getting ridiculous. ^_^'))
Riku followed her friend down the rocks, clutching Snow to her so that she wouldn't be able to fall down and hurt herself. Snow snuggled into Riku's arms, afraid of the rocks and the sounds of the ocean near her. She shivered, letting out a sad, whimpery mewl as Riku just frowned at her. "Don't worry, little Snow, it's ok. I won't drop you!"
She also took in a deep breath of the ocean's breeze and smiled. "It's the best smell in the world, isn't it?" Riku asked Linali, happy to feel the warmth of the sun even as it was leaving them.
((That's totally fine! I understand completely, believe me. ^_^ ))
((It's been forever! We don't have to continue if you don't want to. I lost internet completely!))
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