The end of all shaving...

May 14, 2009 00:03

Since forever I have hated shaving. I have a sensitive skin, so very often it gets irritated by shaving. When it started when I was about 17-18, I still used an electrical shaver, but somewhere around 24 I started with razorblades, which turned out to be a lot better - smoother skin and less irritation.

But the last few years, even with razors it has become worse and worse... I hardly manage to get a smooth skin, if I shave within 4 days after the last time, the skin certainly gets irritated and especially in my neck - resulting in red patches for 1-2 days. And if I wait with shaving, I have a stubble or even almost a small beard. Which I don't like, it makes me look 5 years older (so in end effect only 3-5 years younger than I really am ;) and it's just not me.

So yeah, I've always said that if I could change one thing about my body, it wouldn't even be the bechterew disease, not even the sweating (which comes close second though), but my facial hairgrow. That time has arrived.

Yesterday I went for a consult to discuss if it's possible to have it lasered away. I never knew how possible this was for men, since our facial hairs are a lot sturdier, thicker etc. than for most women. But they explained to me that makes no difference, it's certainly possible. Most of my hairs are dark enough, because light hairs won't act as a conduit for the laserbeam to reach the hairgland and burn it.

They explained to me it will probably 7-10 times to get it done, one session every few weeks. At first I thought that everytime you lose a few, and some will stay, but they explained to me that actually every time you lose almost all, but most will grow back (not only the hairs, but even the glands) because the skin has some 'reserve cells' to build new glands (just like it does when you have small wound). So after a few weeks, a new gland will be grown and then it will produce a new hair as well. But after a while, no new glands will be made so no new hairs will grow anymore.

I simply can't wait for that moment. I will never lose all hairs, since I do have some blonde ones as well. But those are a) less visible, b) softer and thinner which means they irritate less when they're there, and are easier removed so less irritation. Plus, a few hairs can be carefully shaven with surgical precision instead of having to pull those razors back and forth over the whole face.

I was lucky, because usually there's a waiting list of several weeks, but they had a spot free today. So I went, and.... it hurt! I hadn't expected it to hurt so much. I think it still hurts less than waxing though (no experience there ;). But the hundreds of tiny pinpricks of burning hairglands certainly hurt more than I thought, but also could be good news because it means its working! And well, my face has always been sensitive, so this could be a bit expected. They said the nasty feeling usually goes away after a few minutes, by my skin was burning for 2 more hours, all red and even now it's still a little bit glowing.

But in the end, this will be worth it. The inconvenience now will pay itself back hundredfold when I don't have to shave anymore every few days, and never am covered with a stubble again. And the money will pay it back as well in saving money on razors, expensive shaving creams for extra-sensitive skin and of course time (which is money).

They asked me if I wasn't worried that one day beards and moustaches might become 'fashion' again... well, I've never followed fashion, so I don't care. I'm sure I will never ever feel sorry that I can't have any.
And while I was at it (and because it was a special offer for a cheap price if you do another bodypart as well), I had the armpits done as well. And if it all really turns out nice, thinking about the pubic area as well. But that can then be done next year.

Also a really nice side-effect of doing it now, is that in about 10 days, all hairs will be gone (they're now still partially stuck in the skin and will slowly fall out) and after that it will take a little while for them to come back. So with a bit of luck, I don't have to shave during WGT!!! A week after coming back, the next session has been scheduled, so probably it will start around the time WGT is over. Perfect timing (if it works as I hope).
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