Yeah you shook me aaaalll niiightt looooong........*dream sequence ensues*

Mar 16, 2007 22:41

OK, so it wasn't the first of many posts...but this is!! I'M TIRED OF MY COOL LITTLE LJ CALENDER BEING SO BLANK!

I'M BACK BABY YEAH!!!! WELCOME TO TERRGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHERCLATE!!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!!

Why is it so impossible to find pictures of the Target lady?

Why is Rainn Wilson so creepily nerdily hot?

Why is my mother requesting that I get pics of Josh Hartnett?

Why aren't there already Josh Hartnett pics in my folder?

Why is it like 98% possible that Veronica Mars is gonna get cancelled and if it doesn't there's a 98% it's come back 4 years in the future with V in the FBI???!!! WTF?!!!!

Why do I always feel so uncool and outta the loop even though I'm awesome?(ok, that didn't work....)

Why does Stargate Atlantis season2 not smell like a dvd set should???

Why is Teyla sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo shexy???

Why am I going around singing little songs I make up that could actually be number 1 best sellers and I could finally finally knock Fallout Boy out of the "music" industry once and for all???

Why did I ask all this knowing no one will answer????

.......Well, off to find Matt Hardy pics.....*sigh*

ramblings, shexyness, matt hardy

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