Review::: Evanescence, The Open Door

Jan 07, 2007 23:58

I sucked it up and bought it sometime last week I think. A perfect way to start off the new year, and especially convenient and ironic that I bought it a day before the anniversary of my Stargate SG-1 obsession(it's a long story for another time).

But, I don't get the hype of "Call Me When You're Sober" and "Lithium". Don't get me wrong, they're both awesome, but there are other songs on the album that kind of blow them away. "Sweet Sacrifice" and "Snow White Queen" for example.

I am in no way knocking the songs, but I just don't think that they were the best pic for singles.

But onto Amy Lee. Her vocals have majorly improved this album. She hits deeper notes more often, which is a very good thing. Whereas she was more depressed in the first album, she's angrier this time around. Sometimes she's both, which usually works out a very nice melody. I was sorely disappointed in "Good Enough", though. The lyrics are great, but I was hoping for more "oomph". "Lose Control" takes a freaky and dark turn that's all for the better. "All That I'm Living For" is a treat for those running away from everything around them. The lyrics about dreams are deep completely relatable. "Like You" is a depressing take on love and loss, and the aftermath--very nice song. "The Only One" is politically incorrect, therefore sweet. "Sweet Sacrifice" is just an awesome song in itself, about breaking away from the control of others and then telling them to screw themselves--only, you know, not so blunt. "Snow White Queen" is just cool, with lesbian undertones that make everyone happy. "Lacrymosa" may be my favorite song on the whole disk, about being so blindly in love, she's willing to let him blame all his problems on her, in order for him to be happy.

Overall, Amy Lee has greatly improved. The vocals(operatic and otherwise) are amazing. The choir and violins are, as always, perfect for this sort of thing, and the lyrics are either so weird you can't help but like them, or so relatable you just wanna scream along with it. 
Not as good as the first, but not a waste of $14.88, on my part.

Remember, these are just all my interpretations of the album contents, and how I interpret the songs. This is my opinion, not yours. BUt feel free to share yours, if you will.


music, evanescence, reviews

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