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mu_333 January 6 2011, 02:04:44 UTC
Thank you so much!
And agreed ^_^


sadie_dandelion January 5 2011, 19:04:34 UTC
Girl, my thoughts exactly! I've always had a thing for angels too, and I'm very picky on how they represented and how the word is used! When I heard that angels will be the "new vampires" I despaired (my brother warned me of this as he sent me a folder full of angel/demon ebook smut). At least it should be a phase from the teenage girls.


mu_333 January 6 2011, 02:06:36 UTC
Oh, awesome! Glad there's other picky fans out there, ha ha. Man, I almost wanted to cry when I read that...hopefully it won't be too popular and vampires will remain the go-to favourite, lol.


eyesofthedying January 5 2011, 21:13:29 UTC
Good mix, but just wanted to point out a correction: "Angel of Mine" is not by Evanescence but rather Amanda Somerville.


mu_333 January 6 2011, 02:09:29 UTC
Thanks! And I know, but Evanescence did a cover and that's the version I chose. :)


eyesofthedying January 6 2011, 02:32:10 UTC
Except Evanescence hasn't done a version of it, and that's definitely Amanda Somerville's voice.


siricerasi January 7 2011, 19:44:42 UTC
Actually, Evanescence has done a version. I don't believe it's on any of their albums, even the EPs but I could be wrong. I haven't downloaded this version yet so I don't know if this is the right one or not.

To the OP, this is fantastic =D I've actually been meaning to do a mix about angels for a while and I'm so excited to find this. Anthem of the Angels is one of my favorite songs ^_^ Normally I don't download mixes that don't have zips because I'm *cough*lazy*cough* but I'm definitely downloading this!!


fierysunrise January 6 2011, 01:30:29 UTC
Um, love this! Downloading. ANGELS<3

I have had a thing for angels ever since I saw Castiel on Supernatural for the first time.

About the vampire thing, well... *shudders*

The up side of that might be more things that have to do with angels? I have to search all the time to find angel books/movies.

Also, agreed! Why must teenage girls ruin everything? lol! I'm an 18 year old too. xD


mu_333 January 6 2011, 02:22:20 UTC
LOL!! Awesome!! I'm glad I'm not the only fan of angels out there =D

Yeah, that is DEFINITELY an upside! The only angel movies I've seen have been "Legion" and "Gabriel" and they were both really good. I'm reading a book now called "Hush, Hush" about angels and nephilim. I do hope we atleast get more GOOD media out of this, lol.

Ha ha! I dunno, but teenage girls suck! =P (you and me excluded, xD)


fierysunrise January 6 2011, 03:07:33 UTC
lol :P True 'that. xD

"Hush, Hush" is a really good book! :)) Loved it.


angeliquesance January 6 2011, 17:07:50 UTC
I love your choice of songs. And your cover art is really beautiful.
Thank you for sharing.


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