Fanmix! Percy/Thalia--Could've Been Lovers

Jul 08, 2010 18:41

OMG MY FIRST FANMIX YAAAAALLLLL. I worked like two weeks on this XD

Medium: Books/Movies
Subject: Percy Jackson & The Olympians Series
Focus: Percy/Thalia
Title: 'Could've Been Lovers: A Percy/Thalia Mix'
Warning: Spoilers for Book 3 "The Titan's Curse" specifically. Possible spoilers for TLT and TSOM, maybe. Upbeat yet angsty, kind of like Percy. Also, technically, I guess it might be incest. I mean, they are cousins...>_>

Notes: I wasn't a fan of Percy/Annabeth from the beginning. It's not that I don't like Annabeth, just that it seems that her and Percy's relationship is more of a brother/sister bond. So when Thalia reappeared, and she and Percy had that spark, I was freaking excited. And then, three ended. This is cracked I guess, the pairing itself is non-canon. I saw ONE other Percy/Thalia mix on here after a billion Percy/Annabeth and Luke/Thalia, so I guess it's kind of unheard of. But it's my Percy Jackson OTP and I'm sticking to it. Enjoy. ^_~ Starring Logan Lerman as Percy Jackson and Emily Blunt as Thalia, cos she's my new movie girlfriend <3.

001: A Day Late by Anberlin Percy/Thalia
I can see it in in your eyes
You may not love what you see
I remember so long ago
See, I felt that same way
We are who were when
Could've been lovers
But atleast you're still
My day late friend
Who knew what we know now
We could've been more
But atleast you're still
My day late friend

They know meeting again is inevitable. It also seems that the realisation of their true feelings came a bit too late. Percy sits and stares into the blue water and reflects. Thalia wonders if a silly boy is worth giving up immortality for.

002: I Miss you by Blink 182 Percy

Hello there
The angel from my nightmare
The shadow in the background of the morgue
The unsuspecting victim
Of darkness in the valley
We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
Where you can always find me
And we'll have Halloween on Christmas
And in the night we'll wish this never ends
We'll wish this never ends
I miss you, I miss you

The sea rages, and combined with the colour, it makes him think of her eyes. Funny how he never noticed them before, atleast not like this. Maybe because after she left, she came back in his dreams every night, and it made him realise how much he missed her. She was mean, and crass, and stronger than him. But...he missed her.

003: Thunder by Boys Like Girls Percy/Thalia

You're voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Girl, you know you're unlike any other
And I said
You're eyes are the brightest of all the colours
I don't wanna ever love another
You'll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
Bring on the thunder

004 What If by Godsmack Thalia

Been disconnected for so long
And left my mark here along the way
So many years have come and gone
So many fears have remained the same

I see a faith
I swim and play
Yet drowning all possibilities
Beyond what I believe and know
I cut the cord free of home again

It turns to silence
A silence sometimes I can hear
Internal violence
A struggle deep within what if

What if I leave, could I still breathe
What if I breathe, could I still be
And if I leave, would I be me

I lost my hope along the way
I lost my hope along the way

Thalia always needed a place to belong, a place to find herself. She'd found that place among Camp Half-Blood, and then among The Hunters. She thought leaving was the answer. Now, she sits and stares up at the stars, and finds comfort in the fact that somewhere, somehow, the son of Poseidon is looking up at the same sky. He's probably not thinking about her. And if he is, so what? She totally doesn't care. At all. Not her. (Ok, maybe she cares a little. Not that she'd tell him that.)

005 Disgusting by Miranda Cosgrove Percy/Thalia

It's disgusting
How I love you
I can't take it
I should hate you

Ok, so technically, they are cousins. So maybe in the end, it is best that they went their seperate ways before things got out of hand. Then again, they're the children of the Greek Gods of Olympus, and everyone knows how they partied back in ancient Greece. Thalia thinks she could overlook the fact of Percy could, when in reality, the fact still hasn't even dawned on the Son of Poseidon.

006 Waiting(Save Your Life) by Omnisoul Percy

If I bore you get outta my way
This ones for you, so cut me a break
Cos I can't wait
I'm the same I was when we first met
And now I feel
You're pulling away
So just give me the word
And I'll leave today
But if you want me to
I'll be the one for you
Maybe I can save your life
At times you've hated me
Ain't that how love should be?
So just let me save your life
But theres a yearning thats deep and calm
Time is burning
So cut me a break
Cos I cant wait
I'm the same I was when we first met
And now I feel
You're pulling away
So just give me the wod
And I'll leave today
but if you want me to
I'll be the one for you
Maybe I can save your life
At times you've hated me
Aint that how love should be?
So just let me save your life
Don't you know me?
I'm helpless without you
I watched you sleep
So I could dream of you
If you want me to
I'll be the one for you
Maybe I can save your life

Percy knows she doesn't need saving, and she never has(getting turned into a pine tree aside, anyway), but he also knows that if she ever did, he'd be the one to do it. He'd fight away her monsters with Riptide and he'd rush in to save the day and with her in his arms, he could grin a cocky grin as if to say 'who's the strongest now?'. He knew she'd hit him if he ever did, and it makes him laugh.

007 Her Portrait In Black by Atreyu Percy

Can you feel her burning through your veins?
She will always live forever

008 Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day Percy/Thalia

I walk a lonely road
The only road that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's only me and I walk alone
I walk this empty street
On the boulevard of broken dreams
My shadows the only one that walks beside me
My shallow hearts the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone

Before Camp Half-Blood, Percy had felt alone in the world. His mom was the only person he ever had, and he was used to it. Even after he went to camp, at times, he felt like he didn't belong. He never told her so, but sometimes when he looked at Thalia, he got the feeling she felt the same way, like maybe there just wasn't a place in the world for her. He wanted to tell her that if this world didn't have a place for her, then just maybe this wasn't a world that he wanted to live in, but he didn't have the guts.
Maybe he would have if he'd known she wanted to tell him the exact same thing.

Comments are love.

percy jackson & the olympians, !public, fanmix, percy/thalia

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