Call for MtYG pinch-hitters

Dec 18, 2015 23:53

We're looking for more volunteers who would have time between now and the 24th to help out with writing any last-minute pinch-hits we might need for Make the Yuletide Gay. I'm afraid there are no rewards beyond a warm glow of festive satisfaction and the undying gratitude of Pen and I. :-)

If you're already a Santa this year and would also like to volunteer to pinch-hit, please elfmail us.

If you aren't signed up for MtYG this year, but still want to be a pinch-hitter, you can e-mail us at at If you signed up to MtYG in previous years, we can reactivate your old account. If you didn't sign up in 2007-2014, we will need to create an account for you, so please also include the following:

A password that you don't mind the Admins knowing (please do not use your LJ/DW password or other valuable password.)
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