[Torchwood] "Time Agent's Fortune" (PG)

Nov 01, 2013 14:31

Author's Note: Written for
fic_promptly's Author's choice, author's choice, In the cards Featuring the girl with the Tarot deck who appeared in Dead Man Walking and Fragments.

He had entered this world, the man who stood between life and death, the Knight of Swords whose card she first saw between Death and The World. He had traveled with the one who shared the Hierophant and the King of Wands, the lord of Time, with the wooden Chariot. She saw the Ten of Swords near him often. Death would follow him: inverted and not, life and death and life-in-death. And one day, far in the future, after many other cards had played, he would transcend life and death itself, ascending to something for which she had no name...

genre: pre-canon, fandom: torchwood, rating: pg, comm: fic_promptly

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