[Multi-Fandom] 140 Character fics

Mar 19, 2012 22:38

Author's Note: Written for several comment_fic prompts.

Any, any, cherry on top

Yami no Matsuei, Tatsumi/Tsuzuki, G

After he'd been such a pest, Tsuzuki never expected Tatsumi would spoil him with a red velvet cupcake, much less one with a cherry on top.

Any, any, karaoke.

Yami no Matsuei, Hisoka/Tsuzuki, G

Tsuzuki garbled the lyrics, understandable since they were in English, and his voice was only average, but his energy made Hisoka smile.

Supernatural, Dean, hospital food

The mystery meat and the overly colorful vegetables and the pudding that tastes like chocolate-flavored putty: had to be right from hell.

Author’s choice, author’s choice, sometimes there is no trauma - some people are just born wrong.

Yami no Matsuei, Muraki, PG

The red moon had haunted Muraki, from the night he was born, when his mother nearly died. Some night, his blood will be staining that moon.

Any, any, objection

Yami no Matsuei, Muraki/Tsusuki, PG-13 (mild bondage)

Tsuzuki's objections, as Muraki ties him down, sound hollow in his ears, due to the fascination and desire in the shinigami's violet eyes.

Any, any, tacos

Castle, Castle/Beckett, PG

The only thing goofier than Castle's theories: the angle of his head as he tries to eat a taco during a stake-out he'd talked himself into.

White Collar, Neal, nothing about him is real

Urban fantasy AU

The name belongs to a man he'd drained of lifeforce. Being an energy vampire requires the biggest con of all, to hide in plain sight.

comm: comment_fic, fandom: castle, fandom: yami no matsuei, fandom: white collar, genre: slash, comm: fic_promptly, genre: gen, fandom: supernatural, genre: au

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