Author's Note: Written for
Minesweeper, Yellow Smilie Face, he always watches I don't know what possessed me...
The Smiler always watched over the field, ever smiling, ever cheerful, instilling confidence in the drone that cleared the squares. The yellow being's mouth would open in a silent cheer at the flags and the times that the drone succeeded in avoiding the mines, boosting the morale of the drone, if a drone had morale to maintain or confidence to be raised. Likely it did, for sometimes the drine's activity would grow more animated. And then he would be obliged to watch the drone make mistakes, venture too close to a red zone.
And then, he would be obliged to watch the electronic blast that wiped the field clean, blasting away flags, exploding unexploded mines, and blowing his face into a frown, his eyes crossed, shorting him out.
Till something reset him, and he would recompile, fresh and yellow as before, watching over a new field of mines, ready for the drone to clear....