[Firefly] (PG)

Oct 08, 2012 23:15

Author's Note: Written for Firefly, any, Out of the Silent Planet (CS Lewis). Set during the Big Damn Movie.

"We can't stay here," Mal said, looking around the devastation, if you could call it that. Not Miranda lay in rubble: far from it. The place was so intact that someone could settle here, create a settlement or set up a business. No doubt parasites like Badger would jump at the chance to squat here, like so many roaches moving into a derelict house, but a place like this, no one witty principles -- however vaguely one defined them -- would want to live there, knowing what had happened. Sure, the patrols never came out here, but that gave things much worse free rein to prowl around.

But he wasn't about to let the truth about this place remain silent and under wraps. The Alliance had hushed that up for too damn long, and silencing something, particularly the truth, particularly the truth about something this big and this horrible, never made it stay silent. It only left it to stew and ferment till it got uglier and it bubbled more noisily, a noisome concoction that made anyone sick if they got too close to it.

He hated the Alliance before this, for everything they stood for and for what they had done to his own home world, but this made his blood boil. He wasn't about to let the story of Miranda and the indignities inflicted on it go untold.

fandom: firefly, rating: pg

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