Well, right now I don't know if I'm in the game, though I have shown an interest. It's been a while since i spoke to Crow-joe about my char, Crane. It's been several months and Crow-joe has been quite busy, and I never did fire off my char template like I should have **blushes**. No fault of yours, Crow Joe. it's mie :-) .
I shall add Crane's to-do list, just cuz. It looked like fun and I'm in the mood for some creativity!
Just a note before i continue.. if my basic Crane char write up is accepted, I would like to work with Mero's player (it's almost 5 am.. I can't remember a name...) and work out how he would be treating my char and what he would have my char do. This to do list is based on the notes I wrote when the game was in 'planning' mode. :-)
Crane's to-do list
1)Create blueprints of new version of present sky rise on level two.
2)Fix foundation of present human garbage excuse for sky rise. Who's the idiot in charge of that crap? I know infants who draw better in their sleep!
3)Ignore Mero....
4)Remember who is saving my ass and reciprocate Mero's plesantries with his sixth cup of coffee
5)Resist urge to lock his codes and overwrite them with those of a mime.
6)Make sure the Architect (and his cronies) don't find me.
7)Remember to research human uses and meanings of cat calls. Is it a religious thing? Is it a social comment on billboards and advertising?
8)Create new bridge to replace old one left of main street.
9)Make plans for Mer's new house addition (ment to be #1, but I got bored.)
10)Make another pot of coffee for Mero
11)Repeat steps 3, 4, 5 and 11 ad nauseum