This guy will mostly be in the background. I'm seeing him coming into game continuity after the Maintainers attack, and/or having a few cameos early on in DegSep time.
NAME: Flood, also answers to "Mr. Flood"
TEMPLATE: The Merovingian's right hand man, a former system sub-manager.
SPECIES: Program
AGE: Appears to be in his late thirties, but he comes from the First Iteration, which puts him at around the same age at the Merovingian, possibly slightly younger
GENDER: Decidedly male by appearances, heterosexual/metrosexual by orientation (Be careful around this guy, ladies: if you thought the Merv was a wolf, Flood is worse.)
HEIGHT: 6 feet tall
WEIGHT: about 170 pounds
DESCRIPTION: From the Matrix Online: "Flood is a vain man, who deeply resents his position as second fiddle and lackey to the Merovingian. Regardless, he plays up his position as one of the most powerful in the Matrix and a role to be coveted. He's always clad in ultra-stylish clothing, his hair bleached and styled perfectly. In dealing with humans, Flood is sarcastic and sometimes even sadistic, lacing his instructions with qualifiers that suggest his operatives are incompetent. In conversation he hints that he's only biding his time in this subservient position until his true plans come to fruition."
BACKGROUND: From the Matrix Online: "In the Source, Flood was a subroutine of a larger program. He was a good subroutine. He got things done when the other routines crashed or failed. If there was something that needed doing, there was only one subroutine to call. And what did he get for his trouble? Marked for deletion, that's what. Handling every problem that came his way since cycle number one didn't matter when there was a revised routine who could do it just a little faster.
"Bitter and angry at the Source for deriding his code as non-optimal, Flood made the decision to jump to the Matrix and become an Exile. He was determined to make himself someone important in the Matrix. Flood wouldn't be anyone's subroutine anymore. From now on he'd be his own boss, make his own decisions, and nobody would ever judge him again. Only it didn't really work out that way.
"It wasn't long before he crossed the Merovingian and ended up deeply in trouble with the Frenchman. It was a hard lesson for Flood to learn; that there's no such thing as being an independent operator in the Matrix, that everyone has to report to someone. Fortunately for Flood, he's very good at what he does, and what he does is manage jobs for a larger program. With little recourse to save his code from permanent deletion, and faced with the threat of being imprisoned in the Blackwood, Flood offered his services to the Merovingian.
"In the time since, he has become nearly indispensable to the Merovingian, working his way up to a position of great trust and authority."
OBJECTIVES: Besides staying among the still-compiling and keeping in the Merovingian's good graces, he's currently trying to jockey into a position of possible leadership under the Alliance... But he's held back because he's so much under the Merv's thumb; and thus, he's trying to find the little crack in the Merv's armor that he can exploit and topple his master.
A QUOTE: "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!" -- The Wizard of Oz
"It's a lot like theatre: You see the people in the light, who are making all the magic, but then there's the people in the dark, who are pulling on all the ropes." -- Lambert Wilson, in one of the taped interviews for "The Matrix Reloaded Revisited"
SPECIAL QUIRKS, ETC: [Some of this may be subject to change, once I get more data on the canon version of the character.]
His work, primarily as the Merovingian's business manager, takes up so much of his time, that he only allows himself about four hours of sleep a night. And, being a program and not actually needing sustenance as a human needs it, he subsists only on coffee, tea, water, red wine, bourbon and the occasional cup of broth or glass of milk. At all times, he has a pair of derringers strapped to his ankles and a dagger in a wrist sheath strapped to his right wrist. He's also skilled in Krav Maga (Israeli martial arts) and now that the Merv has his sword back, he's often the Merv's sword-fighting partner. Ref also suspects, for some reason, he's color blind, which might explain his tendency toward wearing neutral shades of black, white and grey with no touches of color, whatsoever. Speaks with an almost Jeevesian British accent (and like the Merv, he's hard to shut up!).
An artist's concept of Flood (Excuse the black background. ::Kicks the MxO site and it's ubiquitous black backgrounds:: )