This is probably one of the more... atypical character sheets, since the guy it covers, Ref's bodyguard Jack, is a real character!
NAME: Jack, formerly "Giacomo McGuirk" (Jack's note: "My mom was Italian.")
TEMPLATE: A daffy assassin/bodyguard with a heart of gold. ("Think Damon Runyon, not Mario Puzo.")
SPECIES: Human (pod-born, Rebel)
AGE: about 39 (unplugged for 19 years)
GENDER: Male (heterosexual orientation)
HEIGHT: 5' 6" ("Yep, I'm a little bugger.")
WEIGHT: 145-ish ("The food ain't great in the real world, but hey, no way anyone's gonna get fat on it.")
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Bushy black hair juuust starting to yield to grey over his temples; small, almost slitty dark brown eyes ("I got my mom's eye color, but the shape of 'em comes from my dad, Faolin "No-Fail" McGuirk."). Not handsome, but not unsightly either ("I'm just me.").
BACKGROUND: Born in Chicago into an Irish family with close ties to the Mob. He served as a driver/bodyguard for a Mob boss known as "Big Tony" Cappelloni... until the day when Jack was clipped by the Feds during a bust. Jack self-substantiated and was picked up by the crew of the "Peaquod" when they were unplugging another human and they detected him in the same waste tunnel. At first Ahab, the captain, wanted to send Jack back, but decided they should leave that choice to Jack himself. Once he had recovered and found out what was going on, Jack insisted he was staying in the Real. ("Besides, when they found out how straight I could shoot, they realized they could use me...") Since then, he has served on several ships, including the "Charlemagne" ("I liked that ship... too bad the calamari chopped it up. But I'm still here!") the "Caduceaus" ("Rock on, Ballard! Those were the good days!") and now the "Hammer" ("Don't ask me to pronounce that wierd official name it's got..."), where he serves as Ref's bodyguard ("Wierd work, coverin' an Archivist's back, but damn the goons who think her work ain't useful: she's a decent kid doin' a decent job. ...I just wish she was better at choosin' boyfriends.").
PERSONALITY: Basically good-natured and unflappable: he doesn't seem like he could kill someone. Loyal as a bird dog. Street-smart without being crass.
OBJECTIVES: Keeping his head on his shoulders, helping rebuild the Real however he can, and keeping Ref out of trouble ("I shoulda chaperoned during that one bit... Dammit.").
SPECIAL QUIRKS, ETC: The most obvious is his loopy sense of humor which has gotten him through some rough times. He has a penchant for pulling practical jokes on people he either really likes or really detests ("Unless it's someone liable to rip my ass for it... Like *coughDeadboltcough*."). Inside the Matrix, he's a snappy dresser with a penchant for leather business suits ("Though Ref likes to tease me and tell me I look like a charter member of the League of Inappropriately Dressed Assassins."), but that hides the two Desert Eagles which are his most trusted companions (Jack: "I got 'em off two Agents I shot." Ref: "You only killed their hosts." Jack: "I still got the guns!").
Jack, in a rare quiet moment... Do not let it fool you...