just checkin in

Apr 26, 2005 22:40

Ok so I'm really starting to get bored.....

Having time off for almost a week was ncie I'm not gonna lie cause I really needed it. i worked my ass of this semester. Oh yeah that reminds me we got our grades today and I'm very happy.
Intro to Cj- A
Intro to Soc- A-
Computer Science- A (yeah how the HELL did I pull that off??)
College Writing- B+

My GPA is great and I made the Dean's list again and I'm in the Honors program which means I'll be taking 2 honors classes in the fall eeek!

So anyways, the job search hasn't been going too well. Umm seriously again I'm finding no luck. No places are hiring summer help. Or if places are hiring they aren't loking till mid summer...greeeaaaat. My parents are really getting on my nerves about it too...I can't help it that no places are hiring.

I'm gonna redo my room this summer. Not exactly sure how but I am. Got mucho paint samples today. I'm thinking yellow? Not sure yet though.

I also picked up the new Ben Folds CD today cause Pete advised me to. It's really really good. I really love piano and its just a good cd. So you should pick it up.Yeah i didn't know the new treos cd was out today until i read Kelly's lj. Whoops.

I can't wait to get my haircut/highlighted Saturday cause it needs a change. Not really sure what will be doen with it but I need to do something to make me look older. Yeah that sounds dumb but like twice in the past 3 weeks I've been asked if I'm at least 13 and 16. I was soo pissed. Yeah hi I'm 19!! So that's kinda like yeah hahah.

I've really got nothing else to say so until next time...
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