wrap up

Mar 06, 2005 11:21

So vacation is pretty much over. I go back to boston tonight. I'm kinda apathetic about going back. Cause seriously break was sooo nice especially just being able to kinda get some down time and get to be able to be by myself cause I need down time like that. And as we all know you don't get much of that at college. It's weird to think that I only have 3 weeks till I come home for Easter weekend then I have about 2 weeks of classes then finals. That is INSANE. It's gonna fly by too. I guess I should make the most of my time in Boston. I feel like this semester I have been working so friggin hard that I don't ever get to have fun. I feel like I've been stressing out way too much and maybe missing out? I dunno....

It sucks that my brother is moving to Oklahoma on Tuesday for good. I'll probably be crying today when I say bye to him cause I SUCK at good-byes, letting go, moving on and such as many of you probably know heh.
But I'm happy for him cause he finally has a job that he wants. I admire him for being able to leave everything and everyone familar to him and go for it. That's pretty cool cause most people wouldn't do that.

But the past couple of days of vacation have been good. Friday me and Kristin drove down to Roger Williams to suprise Brendon for his birthday. I'm sooooo glad we did cause he was kinda bummed cause no one would be around for it and stuff. After knocking on his door and driving around the whole campus looking for him we basically had to call him and be like Brendon we wanted to suprise you but we're here so just come out from where you are haha. It was sooo awesome, he seemed sooo psyched and me and Kristin were like flipping out the entire ride down haha. Then later Brendon's brother and some tahantonians came down and brought cake and we had pizza and cake for brendon. Ahhh it was soooo good and just what I needed after the shit that unfolded the day before. Then on the way home we decided since we were near Jenna we would stop and say hi to her at Bryant. So i call her like righet before we get there and she like flipped out cause she was so psyched haha. The security there was the devil and that was such a fiasco. But eventually we got in, met her friends, hugged jenna like a million times then left. Because it was like 12:30 and we had to get home haha cause we were supposed to be home a lot earlier b/c of certain circumstances. It was soooo fun and I'm glad I got to see people.
Yesterday I hung around with the family, visited my grandmother and such. It was nice. Going to good old St. Mary's for church in Boylston made me very happy. I miss it and I needed church lol. I almost died when I saw that Julie St. Francis and Ryan Finley were married with a little baby. Seriously i was like omg. I remember in 7th grade I had a huge crush on Ryan when he was a senior and then seeing him yesterday holding his baby I was like wow holy shit haha. Then after church we went to Moe's :) Thank God I got to go there over break b/c Moe's is a must everytime you come home.

So today I won't be doing much I guess. Should go shower and pack up my stuff. Ohhh I think Northeastern basketball is on tv today! So i'll probably watch that. Then I'll be leaving after dinner...

I think I'm finally starting to get over the whole [insert name here] thing. I was really pissed when i found out but I haven't talked to him since the beginning of the week which I guess helps. It sucks, but that's how things go. And it helps being told by family and friends countless times how I deserve better which I think is true? But it's supposed to happen I guess and from this I'm supposed to meet someone new and better. I guess I can deal with it, I mean I'm gonna have to but yeah...I dunno we'll see how it goes.

Wow I really didn't intend to write such a long entry haha. But if you read all of this you rock.
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