My tweets

Feb 04, 2012 10:31

  • Sat, 02:14: "What's wrong with him?"..."My first guess would be, a lot."
  • Sat, 03:28: #FF everyone should follow my completely upside down Australian friend @ JenAllende because she's pretty awesome.
  • Sat, 03:38: Matt Damon was awesome in We Bought A Zoo recently. What the fuck happened to Ben Affleck?
  • Sat, 04:07: Fun Fact Aerosmith wasnt going to do "I dont want to miss a thing" until Steven Tyler saw a scene and in tears said "Ok. we'll do the song"
  • Sat, 04:37: "How the hell do you know that?" "Because I'm a genius."....I don't know why but that is one of my favorite exchanges of all time.
  • Sat, 04:53: RT @ JenAllende: @ mtupyro the answer to what??
  • Sat, 04:55: @ JenAllende the answer to how to keep change in my pockets while upside down. It's a reference to Real Genius. You disappoint me.


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