Чт, 02:45: "It's not prostitution if you pay them in bacon."
Чт, 03:12: Tonight could have gone much worse. We'll call it a win.
Чт, 07:47: Light on, wife complains about wasting electricity..I light candles and turn off the light and wife complains about weird smells. Can't win.
Чт, 08:06: "Everyone hates you, everyone wishes you were dead cuz Peter you suck, Peter you suck, you don't do anything of value!" a favorite scene.
Чт, 08:12: I was like, she was all He was all, they were like We were all like OMG like totally.
Чт, 08:14: This guy's like Gandhi but better, he likes puppets.
Чт, 08:50: I'm hungry. I should light one of my pancake scented candles.
Чт, 08:52: Jesse from Breaking Bad was in Van Wilder.
Чт, 09:11: "You shouldn't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive." I'll try harder to remember this.
Чт, 10:19: Shut up brain. Shut up or I'll stab you with a Q-Tip. I'll do it...
Чт, 19:56: Continuing our saga the computer is "fixed" once again, but now I have no high speed USB ports. Full details on facebook if interested.
Чт, 19:57: Not exactly what I wanted to do on my day off but oh well, we can call it a victory. I guess.
Чт, 20:15: In other even better news, BOC has shipped! #woot