My tweets

Jan 18, 2012 08:29

  • Tue, 16:58: My stomach feels like crap today yet I'm still headed into work. Not sure why. Stupid me actually caring about my coworkers.
  • Tue, 19:17: "Everything's so blurry, and everyone's so fake" seriously, I can't get my eyes to focus. It's kinda scary.
  • Tue, 19:50: @ andrewzimmern Thanks for doing the AMA on reddit. Even though I didn't get a question in it was an amazing read
  • Wed, 02:51: King Arthur and the Knights of Justice is on Netflix Streaming. I loved this cartoon but couldn't remember the name.
  • Wed, 02:51: FYI Street Sharks is also on Netflix Instant.
  • Wed, 05:02: You don't say
  • Wed, 05:23: "I don't like to judge a book by its cover, but if she was a book she'd be the kind that other books pay for sex"
  • Wed, 05:33: Really #Glee, Grease?
  • Wed, 05:43: that Nene from Real Housewives on Glee?
  • Wed, 06:22: @ jephjacques Love the SOPA message on QC today.


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