Mar 22, 2006 16:19
Today I had to make a very hard decision. I kicked my sister out. To make a long story short, shes back on drugs and I found the proof when I was walking through her room today and dropped my earring and it rolled under her dresser (you have to walk through her room to get to the big closet). I stuck my hand under the dresser to get my earring and my hand landed on a hypadermic needle. I've known, deep down, that she wasn't clean for awhile, but today reassured that fear. I called my parents and my brother to let them know what was going on and that I really had no chioce but to ask her to leave (When she got kicked out of rehab in early February and moved here I told her that if she didnt stay clean, she couldnt stay here). They support me 100%, and so does Josh, but I still feel like the biggest bitch on the face of the earth. Confronting her was the hardest thing ever. I told her she didnt have to be out until April 1st. She denied it and stormed out, vowing never to speak to me again. I have to wonder where she is going to go from here. Were 100 miles from home, my brother wont take her....first he has no room for her, and second he cant deal with her and her drugs, and she really doesnt know anybody. I know I havent done anything wrong, but I cant help but feel as if I have.