I came in tonight at just after 11, and found my dad sitting at the computer watching an online Bill Moyer broadcast. As I turned to walk away, he stopped me and asked me to sit down and watch - he thought I'd find it interesting.
The interview, and the music, blew me away.
Mark Johnson is the founder of "Playing for Change", an organization dedicated to uniting people across the globe through music. His inspiration came from seeing two monks performing in the Boston subway, and the crowds of people mesmerized - willing to miss their train to see these two men perform music. That image fermented in the back in his mind as he moved to Los Angeles, but it took a run-in with a street guitarist singing "Stand By Me" for the idea of Playing for Change to be rammed home. First, Mark made an award-winning documentary, then he started an organization to promote peace and unity through music worldwide.
If you have a spare 20 minutes, watch Bill Moyer's interview. It starts slowly - if you'd like, skip the first 4-5 minutes - but make sure to watch the rest.
http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/10242008/watch3.html I'd like to find a copy of the full-length film and send one to each Mu Beta Psi chapter, just to remind all of us why we joined. For those of you who aren't in Psi, this... it describes what we strive towards.